We blessed Beck on March 1st and the best part was was that he did not end up wearing a white undershirt! I went shopping with my friend Ashley and we found a cute white polo and white pants which was a huge relief! For some reason the whole blessing bid really stressed me out but lucky for me I have a great mom, mother-in-law, husband, and grandma who pretty much took care of everything for me! We did homemade Cafe Rio salads and I was worried we wouldn't have enough food, but I was also worried that nobody would show up. I probably should have planned something a little more simple for the dinner but in the end everything was perfect which I can't take any credit for. We didn't invited a ton of people so if you weren't invited no need to be offended (and if you were invited consider yourself lucky!). But I was grateful for and excited to see Dane's family that came down and for all of our friends who came! Of course Dane gave him a beautiful blessing and Beck only let out a few snorts during the blessing when his bink fell out...FYI, Dane has given Beck the lovely nickname of "pig" because when he cries or eats he snorts, I love the snorting but not so much the nickname. But anyways in the end it ended up being a perfect day!! Except we did miss Shelby & Trevor,and we wished that Dane's brother and sister and their families lived closer so that they could be here for all these little special occasions too! (Ashley A. and Nicole R. I missed you guys too!!)