Shelby and Trevor finally came to visit this weekend!! We had a total blast with the whole family this weekend!! They flew in Thursday night so Friday we went to the oquirrh mountain temple open house which was beautiful! Then later that day we all went to Brick Oven and came home and played a long game of phase 10 (Trevor won)

Saturday was Danes 27th birthday!! We got up bright and early and we all got family pictures done by my friend Maryanne (who is an awesome photographer). Then all of the boys went golfing while the girls (and Beck) went shopping. Then we all met Myrna and Doug at Tucanos (surprized it's not chilies?) and Dane impressed us all with how much pinapple he was able to eat in one sitting. But the highlight was when they came to sing happy birthday and Dane stood on his chair and danced with the maracas, he wasn't one bit embarrassed.

That night all the boys got together and watched the UFC fights which Dane was soooo excited for. Trevor, Brandon, and Dane all invited a couple friends so there was a house full! Luckily Jessie and Erica came along with their husbands so all us girls had a great time chatting in the kitchen while the boys watched the fight (no thank you). And mom and Shelby were kind enough to help me attempt to make one of the very few desserts that Dane likes (lemon passion cake from macaroni grill).

Check out the big surprise that Trevor and Shelby gave Dane for his b-day. Hahaha this is by far the best present that he has ever got for his B-day (other than the year that he bought me a Chi straightener with his birthday money) Trevor and Shelby always give the best presents for b-days and Christmas (I would recommend them as friends for anyone)

Sunday night we all played a Hawaiian themed murder mystery, it was sooooo dang fun. I have been dying to do a murder mystery forever, but this was the first time we've done one. Everybody was so funny and got really into it. We even got awards at the end of the game, but I can't remember all of them.

Tell me my dad is not the biggest stud! His character was a Hawaiian story teller who always makes up lies, and nobody trusts.

I was a wanna-be actress who was the mistress of a rich old man, and Dane was the rich man's lawyer and one of his goals in the game was to convince me to leave the old man for him.

Brandon was Jack the smuggler who's goal was to just clear his name because he was the most obvious suspect. Shelby was a real estate agent who I personally had the hardest time trusting throughout the whole game...the girl seemed shady.

This was one of me and Dane's secret meetings in the back-room, we couldn't let anybody know we were secretly in love.

Dayne was a secret CIA agent and him and Michelle were newlyweds.

Chad was the wealthy old man that Dane worked for...and oh did I forget to mention....the MURDERER!!

Trevor was the bus driver...we had to ask him if we wanted to do anything because he was the boss of the game.

Mom was Mojo Mo a crazy chef and witch doctor...big surprize, just kidding!

Monday we had a family olympics of games. Trevor and Dad played Stratego, Dayne and Shelby played Life, and me Dane and mom played Racko (mom won...yes you heard me right, shocking I know). And then we all played a big game of nerts....and even though I'd love to me my normal humble self I know that your dying to know who won...ME!!

The for the final event we all went bowling at fat cats...and then I truly was humbled because I took dead last. Dane won the first game, and Trevor won the second...so I guess we still need a tie breaker...I will give an honorable mention to my mom and dad...my dad got like 5 strikes in a row to start out the second game, and mom is one of the few (very few) people that actually looks super cute when she bowls.

I wish that every weekend could be like last weekend. I'm getting really excited for our big move to Virginia (only 2 more weeks!!) but it will never be perfect out there unless I can convince my ENTIRE family to come with us. Somebody please enlighten me on how to cope with moving across the country from my family who I am EXTREMELY attached to. I'm already prepared to cry 24-7 for at least 2 weeks straight after we leave...at LEAST 2 weeks. Anyways, thank you family for the best weekend!