Last week my mom dad and Dayne came out to visit YAY!!!! I can't even explain how excited I was for them to come visit, ask any of my friends out here I've been talking about them coming since the day we got here. I wish they would just move out here but I'll settle for a visit for now. The only downer was me and my mom got sick, and it was cold and rainy the entire time they were here which was ironic because it was perfect weather till the day they got here and started again the day they left.

We went to Monticello, Williamsburg, and DC while they were here...but I think that the place that my dad was most excited about going to was Trader Joes hahaha he went bananas when I told him we had one close to us. We probably could have done even more if BOTH of my parents hadn't turned 50 this month AHHH!! We let them think we were seeing a lot of stuff while they were here but we really didn't want to overwhelm the oldies.

My camera wasn't working so I only got 3 pictures which doesn't do justice for all the fun things we did together but what can you do. We even had fun just bumming around the house letting Beck entertain us all, I can't wait till they come out again, and it better be soon!!

While we were in Williamsburg I ran into one of the nurses that I worked with right before we moved from Utah...wierd! I didn't know even she had moved out here, so I was extremely shocked when I passed her on the streets of Williamsburg, talk about a double take!!

Me and Dane wanted to impress my family when they came to visit so we got our curtains up in the living room and painted our bedroom. I haven't done curtains before, and I can't believe how much they added to the room, I'm pretty excited about them.

I'm also pretty excited about our greenish yellow walls in our bedroom, definately a color we will look back on and make fun of in a few years but I'm pumped about how it turned out.

And whats a post without some random cute pictures of Beck. I've felt bad for him since my family left cause there's no way I can entertain him as much as they did so I think he's felt lonely after being the star of the show for a whole week.

He shouldn't feel too neglected though cause I still spend every waking moment chasing him around, and laughing at all the stinkin cute things he does.

He's really close to walking, he can stand up and balance on his own without holding on to anything, he just doesn't try to take any steps yet and I am perfectly happy with that cause he is fast enough crawling around I can't imagine the energy it will take to chase him when he can run, AHH!