Grandma Myrna and Doug came out for a visit this last week! I'm so glad that our families have both been able to come out even though it just makes us miss them more when they have to go home.

We went up to Washington DC thursday night to meet up with them at Union Station and from there we all went on a twilight tour to see the memorials. In my opinion that's definitely the way to go to see the memorials, it's fun to have a tour guide to give a little more background and you don't have to worry about parking and it saves you a ton of walking.

We stayed over thursday and went to Arlington cemetery Friday morning with Myrna while Doug went to meetings and then we met up with Dane's aunt and uncle Larry and Linda (two of the most fun people in the world) and we went and toured Mount Vernon. And one of the best parts was after our tour we ate at the restaurant at Mount Vernon, I am a fan of any restaurant where the waiters wear costumes and they had it all decked out like you were in the 18th century, and we loved those Ho Cakes. Very fun!

Myrna and Doug came home with us friday night and saturday we spent the day in Jamestown, Yorktown, and Williamsburg. Even though we've been there a few times before we got to see a lot of new things this time and I'm sure there's a lot more still to see. And once again one of my favorite parts was eating at one of the cute little cafes in Williamsburg, followed by icecream. I'm glad me and Myrna both have the same problem of having a sweet tooth we can't resist.

Sunday was mother's day (love you so much mom!!) it was fun to actually have one of our mom's here to celebrate with. Myrna helped me in nursery at church and then some of the teenage boys in our ward came to take over so that all the girls in the ward could meet in the cultural hall and be served cake by the men the last hour, we kind of wanted to stay in nursery but just so we could watch how the teenage boys would like it in there. After church we just relaxed around the house and then Myrna and Doug for a little tour around our beautiful city.

Other than the fact that this little man was trying to play hard to get with his grandma and would never let her hold him, I know that he still had a great time showing off for her and getting all of her attention

Monday we drove to Monticello so Myrna and Doug could take the tour and then once again big surprise my favorite part...eating at the old tavern by Monticello. It was so fun eating at all these cute little places. Then Myrna and Doug flew out Monday afternoon, we were very sad to see them go but had such a fun time with them.