Shocking that this little boy is almost 2 months old! I really wish that I could freeze time right now cause I love it!! I think the only complaint I can think of is I wish he would not only sleep at night but sleep in his cradle. He will only sleep with me or in his car seat and every night I tell myself that I will not let him do it again but by 2 a.m. I don't care anymore I let him do whatever he wants!

We know that the reason he likes to sleep with me is because he hasn't learned what it is like to be put down yet. He is constantly being held by somebody and it is usually me, I just can't put him down! If there is any way I can find a way to do a chore while holding a baby, I do it with him in my arms!!

Anyone who knows Dane will not be at all surprized that this was how Dane spent his Christmas break...is my husband not tons of fun?? Beck is going to be one lucky boy, I think it's a common thing for little boys to want their dad's to play with them but I think that Dane is going to be the one doing the begging for Beck to play with him. Again, if you know Dane you already know this but let me remind you of some of the things that Dane lives for (I'm making another list).
1 - Fireworks on the 4th of July - if I would let him he would spend every dollar we have at the fireworks stand, and to see the joy it brings him to watch them it might be worth it one of these times
2 - Carving pumpkins at Halloween - he could carve pumpkins for days and usually just to carve one takes him days because he won't stop until it is perfect, but I will say that his hard work always pays off and his pumpkin always turns out to be incredible!
3 - building snowmen -which get bigger and better every year, the one above got many compliments from all of my parent's neighbors.
4 - Decorating cookies - we decorated sugar cookies at Christmas time and once again Dane's cookies put the rest of ours to shame, who cares if he only frosted one in the time the rest of us had done like 10.
5 - Chili's - one of Dane's newest passions in life, whenever we go out with friends no matter where we decide to eat Dane makes sure that we all know that Chili's is an option, and when we do go to Chili's he gives us many recommendations of what to get.
6 - DISNEYLAND! - I don't even know where to begin when I talk about Dane's love of Disneyland words cannot express the love that this man has for Disneyland...no matter what our financial situation is, he always has money set aside for a trip to Disneyland. He really is so much fun to be married to!