Gosh he's cute isn't he. I had to go back to work last week and it was so hard to leave him!! I missed the girls I work with like crazy so I was excited to be with them again but I'd rather just hang out with them outside of work and sit home with Beck all day. It's so nice to get home after a long day of work and see how excited the babe is to see me though...jk - but even though he doesn't show it I know he does

See this pic of the white onesie? This is what Dane wants to dress Beck in for his blessing (no offense for anyone that has done this, believe me I can relate to starving student phase) but personally this little number isn't my number one choice...so wish me and Beck luck for his blessing day please cause Dane is not joking. Hahaha Dane kills me
Umm,.. Jess,.. I don't work at the hospital anymore DUMMY!!! Did you have to go and buy a whole new wardrobe because you can't lose the baby weight,.. No one really noticed anyway because you were so big to begin with! He sure is getting big,.. just like his Mamma! Even though the SB Club will be excited to see you again,.. Dane Jr. is gonna miss your chubby face staring at him all day. Come play with us! Peace out Chubs!
Man, Beck just keeps getting cuter and cuter. I told Dyl that I wanted to try chocolate covered cinnamon bears and he made fun of me for remembering that you liked them, I believe his word was obsessed. I feel pretty good about myself! Anywho, I'm sad you are working now... should've just got a no respect, low paying job like me! I hear we are hiring...
i am so glad you found our blog and congrats on getting into MCV!! Let me tell you from my perspective of a med school wife-- MCV is AWESOME with family time! You will be so happy you're going here. Once you move out here let me know and we can have you guys over or show you around Richmond. And if you need help finding a place we can give you a few pointers!
He is getting so big. What a darling baby!
Ohhh, Beck is soooooooo handsome! He just needs to pipe up and tell daddy Dane that he wouldn't be caught dead wearing a white onesie on his blessing day. Anyway, YOU'RE the boss, Jess. Can't wait to see you guys in just 5 more long, grueling months!
Wow Jess... Two posts in ONE week?! YAY! Beck is seriously the cutest little boy I think I have ever seen.... Seriously! We need to get together soon!
Your baby is adorable! I think this is one of those times that you just step in and dane, NO WAY my baby isn't waring that for his blessing. LOL tell him he will be to cold and get sick. HA HA I don't know, but good luck-
i love all those pics i can't wait for friday!!! good luck this week!!
Yay!! I love when you post! And Beck is looking super cute these days... we are so sad we won't be there for the blessing - pretty sure Beck will look great even if it is in his onesie.
ps. i'm changing my blog back to private pretty soon. can you send me your email address so you can keep looking at it?
You are welcome to borrow Jonathan's blessing outfit if you would like. He was blessed in some fancy thing with a vest and bow tie and such. I know borrowing something might not be ideal for you either, but I can show it to you and you can decide. I won't be offended if you decide not to ;). Oh, and Beck is so cute! Kara
what are you doing with little beck while you work? Ok, i will send some positive, buy new blessing outfit, energy your way ;)
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