Last weekend me and Beck tagged along to Orem summerfest with one my best friends Nicole and her husband Chris. I'm pretty sure I didn't watch 2 seconds of the parade because I was too busy watching how cute her daughter Brynlee was with Beck, she read him stories, held his hand, and hugged him the whole time. Me and Dane have already reserved her as Beck's future wife.

We've been to the pool quite a bit this summer. Beck doesn't react too much yet unless he's splashed and then he's not a happy camper!

This isn't the best picture but Beck can finally sit up on his own AND he got his first tooth! The sitting up happened over night he didn't seem even close to doing it on his own and then all the sudden I get home from work one day and he is just chilling upright on the floor. He didn't seem to be in a bad mood while he was teething...I just looked in his mouth the other day and there was a little tooth.

We had such a fun weekend this last weekend up at Brad and Tahsha's cabin in Fairview with them and Stephanie and TJ and both of their little girls Leah and Toby. We love hanging out with that little group of friends we always have a ton of fun!

It rained all weekend so we only tried 4-wheeling once and got poured on halfway through the ride...lucky little Beck has the best mom in the world who sacrificed herself to keep him completely dry...I LOVE 4-wheeling, but me and Dane are not usually out-doorsy people so I'm afraid that we will never have one. Except maybe when we're are old and retired, I think it would be so fun to get a 4-wheeler and take it on trips with a bunch of friends every weekend. Since it rained we spent a lot of time playing games - Phase 10, nerts, connect four...which for the record I won Dane 10 games to 2...HA!

TJ and Brad are both big hunters but tender-hearted Dane always feels so bad when they shoot the little critters. So while they shot, Dane was just the lookout, and I'm going to bet that he didn't give them any tips of where to shoot even if he did spot something.