Look who FINALLY learned how to smile for the camera!! I got his pictures taken in the studio a couple months ago and in EVERY single picture he looks like a deer in the headlights...I wish I knew how to download them on here because it is so funny.

This picture I just added cause it's super cute of Beck and uncle Brandon...I think that Beck is teaching Brandon how to crawl.

Tessa's mission farewell was on Sunday and I would be sad but I know it won't be long before I see her again because she's not going to last long in Guatamala, just kidding she's going to be an incredible missionary...not to mention she'll be the cutest girl out there!! And just like in my last post I am not going to publicly write a mushy novel on why I'm going to miss Tessa so much...but there's just going to be a little empty spot in my life for a bit.

Have I ever mentioned that I LOVE twins...in college me and Tessa's bedroom was a shrine to MaryKate and Ashley Olsen...this tiny obsession is no joke. The ONLY thing that could have made Beck any more perfect would be if he had an identical twin brother. So this picture is my dream of what I hope the future holds for the Church family...but Dane already told me that if twins come along I can consider myself a single women cause he's not sticking around for that! just kidding!
The reason Dane said that about the twins thing is because you gained SO Much weight with number one,..... he DOES NOT want to see you break more records trying to have 2 at once! I see a little Spanish Fork hair coming back in these pictures Jess,... and let's not mention your true obsession for "tessa". And your true obsession for twins is because you ate yours in the womb. We all know,.. you can stop hiding it. I just can't get over how cute little Beck is,... I can't even believe for a second that he came out of you,.. and he is so small,..?
I love mary kate and ashley too! We have the same birthday (june 13th) so I always considered myself and them to be triplets :). I think you guys look great with twins! Beck's smile is so cute!
Sad that your friend is leaving. I'm just a phone call away though Jessica! And are you kidding me, twins? I'd die. I don't have the patience and I'm a little too selfish when it comes to my SLEEP. And seriously could Beck get any cuter?! I just love him!
He is I the cutest baby ever! I LOVE his smile. Lets hang out again soon!
oh my heck...when that boy smiles the whole room lights up. seriously...i'm sure you get that all the time, but when it's true you just can't hear it enough.
i'm assuming that that's one of your best friends going on the mission. that happened to me too...she left right before I got married so she missed everything. it was SAD! but now she's back and life is still good. i was worried she's be to good for me when she came home, but she wasn't :) yeah.
What a stud, he is sooo cute! Love his little smile, and congrats on 4 years...you two little love birds :)
So that's why you were friends with me and Steph in high school haha. Good for Tessa, Is Becks crawling yet?? Max is 7 months and not quite there, he's soooo close I"m trying so hard to get him to crawl.
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