I thought that being a stay-at-home mom would consist of cuddling up with my baby watching Ellen, Reba, and Full House re-runs all day...big surprise I was wrong!

Beck started officially crawling the day we moved in and now he has completely mastered it, I can put him in the living room and literally run to the kitchen to do something and within about 30 seconds his grinning little face will pop around the corner of the kitchen, it is so dang cute! And the best part is is that I feel like I can eat whatever I want all day because I can't imagine how many calories I am burning by chasing him around.

He's also mastered being able to pull himself up on things to stand, I love when I'm in the kitchen cooking (yes I cook now!) and all the sudden I feel a little person climbing up my leg, he just wraps his arms around really tight and likes to stand there attached to me.

The biggest down side to all of this is of course his cute little face is now constantly covered in bruises, because he falls so much even though I really try to watch him close, and me and Dane keep checking his reflexes to make sure he doesn't have brain damage or anything

He is a ton of fun in every way now, if I crack up about anything Beck will crack up too. And all you have to do to get him to laugh uncontrollably is to pop out and scare him, I don't show people too often cause it makes me look like a total idiot but it gets a good reaction from him.

Here he is taking all of the DVD's off the shelf, he is into everything and he can't even walk yet but he is so dang fun!! I love my little buddy