I thought that being a stay-at-home mom would consist of cuddling up with my baby watching Ellen, Reba, and Full House re-runs all day...big surprise I was wrong!

Beck started officially crawling the day we moved in and now he has completely mastered it, I can put him in the living room and literally run to the kitchen to do something and within about 30 seconds his grinning little face will pop around the corner of the kitchen, it is so dang cute! And the best part is is that I feel like I can eat whatever I want all day because I can't imagine how many calories I am burning by chasing him around.

He's also mastered being able to pull himself up on things to stand, I love when I'm in the kitchen cooking (yes I cook now!) and all the sudden I feel a little person climbing up my leg, he just wraps his arms around really tight and likes to stand there attached to me.

The biggest down side to all of this is of course his cute little face is now constantly covered in bruises, because he falls so much even though I really try to watch him close, and me and Dane keep checking his reflexes to make sure he doesn't have brain damage or anything

He is a ton of fun in every way now, if I crack up about anything Beck will crack up too. And all you have to do to get him to laugh uncontrollably is to pop out and scare him, I don't show people too often cause it makes me look like a total idiot but it gets a good reaction from him.

Here he is taking all of the DVD's off the shelf, he is into everything and he can't even walk yet but he is so dang fun!! I love my little buddy
He is sooo cute!! They do grow up way to fast!
He is getting so BIG! Soon he will be walking and then you can really burn some calories. :)
oh goodnight, he is so dang cute!! i need this little boy. i laughed so hard at the formula picture! i don't know whether i'd laugh or cry if i had bought the formula myself though! i can't believe he is crawling and STANDING. That's just too much for me to handle. And he's still a peanut. I pulled up your blog and Zoey said, "That's Baby Beck!" Clearly she needs her little friend back!
he is so cute! did you guys decide to move to chelsea? How are you liking it here and how are you adjusting?? we should get together sometime!
Ah he's adorable! loved this post, those pictures are so great! it just gets more and more fun and when you think it can't get any better it just does. Glad you're loving it there!
Handsome little guy. I know it makes you feel horrible seeing all the bruises on their faces even though it's impossible to watch them that closely. Have you flown back to Utah yet to visit?
Oh he is adorable!! Miss you lots!!
Oh goodness he is so cute! I am so jealous and it is so fun to see how big he is getting! Looks like your in trouble with him he is up and ready to go, he'll be walking in no time!
2 posts in two days, its better than Christmas! Guess that's another perk of you being a stay at home mom... so if you look at the dvds Beck is pulling off the shelf, they are all Disney... what a wholesome home! Beck looks cuter and cuter all the time!
I CANNOT believe how big he is! Pulling himself up??!! Crazy- Haha such fun pictures. I love to see them! I've been thinking for the last couple days that I need to call you. Maybe one of these times I'll remember when i'm not at work or when it's midnight!
Ah he is so cute! So sorry I didn't get to call you today. Expect a call monday though! Can't wait to talk to you. I can't believe how big he is! Brynlee misses him you need to come and visit soon
Jess...he is the cutest! I hope things are going well for you guys. We REALLY miss you at work. You should seriously consider coming back. I'm not sure why you left in the first place. You can't get a much better paying job than registrar at good ol' TRH.
Okay, I suck at blogging lately, but I've officially caught up with your posts and I am sooooo happy you guys LOVE Virginia!!!! Beck is the cutest little guy in the world. I knew he'd be crawling any day now. We miss you guys. It was so fun hangin' for those couple weeks...
Could he be any sweeter!?! I'm so glad we get to live close to you and see him. Thanks so much for being such a great friend-I think I'd be a bit lost here without you!
Jessica this is Kristy Kell well now Holman. I found your blog from the Spanish Fork 2004 blog and yes now I am gonna stock your blog! That is so awesome you are in Virginia and a stay at home mom! Although we had some fun times at the hospital! Beck is so cute he is such a good mix of you and Dane! Feel free to visit my blog if you want it is homeoftheholmans.blogspot.com
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