How could it not be a merry Christmas when you wake up to this Christmas morning? Brandon in his Christmas PJ's ahhh! (Isn't my moms tree cute?!)

Here we are Christmas morning at my parents house, the rule was we would all wake up when Beck woke up, me and my brother Dayne were hoping for a 5:00 wake-up and Brandon and Dane were hoping for a 10:00 wake-up...it ended up being 7:00 which I think is the latest Christmas morning we have ever had.

Here's Beck Christmas morning at my parents house we spent Christmas Eve and morning with my family and Christmas day with Dane's family.

These pictures are not in order but here's Beck and Papa in their BYU gear.

Here's baby Jesus and Mary acting out the nativity on Christmas eve. We also had our first annual Stone family talent show on Christmas eve. Mom and Dayne read poems, Brandon attempted to recite "The Night Before Christmas" by memory but he doesn't have a good memory I guess, I played "The Little Drummer Boy" on the piano while Dane sang and Beck played the drummer boy by banging pots and pans, and my dad did the grand finale by dancing to "Ring Those Christmas Bells" which I have on tape if anyone is interested. I can't wait till next year, the Church family is going to be very well prepared.

Doug and Myrna planned for all of us to go tubing which was a blast. Of course it was turned into a competition and nobody was allowed to go down the hill without racing somebody, hmmmm I wonder which person was responsible for that...Dane???

Beck took his first steps while we were here!! Yay!! Should have known that he had to be bribed with food, he REALLY wanted that otter pop.

Beck's latest obsession...like father like son...what am I saying he didn't stand a chance cause it's also like MOTHER like son.

It wouldn't be Christmas break without Dane building a gigantic snowman all by himself. I'm so proud of you babe!!!

Beck and GG have a special bond.

Happy New Years!! Have we not learned by now that Beck doesn't wear hats??

We also got to see some of our best friends while we were here. We miss our Utah friends like crazy!! We had to leave behind some of the best and most fun friends a person could have when we moved to Virginia. You better come visit soon!! Wish I had got pictures with all of the fun we had with friends while we were here. This picture is of me and Stephanie looking really awesome with our fancy drinks.

Beck with my mom and dad, he is so loved and spoiled by his grandparents.

This is how Dane would like to spend every minute of every day - Beetles rockband
I didn't get any pictures of Dane's family because our camera is broke so these are all from my parents camera, but we were excited that Dane's sister Ashlee her husband Joel and their 6 kids came from Nebraska so we got to have a lot of fun spending time with them too. There are 3 boys cousins on the Church side that are all within about a year apart from Beck so he's going to love playing this the Church cousins when he's bigger.
These pictures don't do justice for all we did while we were here, we went to the Nutcracker, Temple Square, a christmas play, iceskating, saw Santa, saw 4 movies, did a lot of eating out, went bowling (Dane cheated for the win...he actually went up to the desk and asked the girl to change the score...long story) and played a lot of Nertz, Risk, Rook, and Tetris.
It was a perfect Christmas and we were so grateful that we were able to spend it with our family and friends that we love.