Virginia snow days are awesome!! Everything shuts down when it snows, for the first time in my life church was cancelled because of snow and school is cancelled tomorrow. We've been snowed in for 2 days now and the only challenge has been trying to keep Dane entertained. Lucky for us some of our bffs, Rachel and Justin, live right next door so we've had a blast with them the last couple days playing games like Phase 10, Nerts, and Ticket to Ride. Today Dane and Justin built this beauty you see in the pictures above...it's an icecream sundae not a snowman, we've already had a lot of strangers drive by to take pictures.

The first day it snowed Dane and Justin were having Diet Coke withdrawals so those 2 crazies attempted for hours to get our car out so they could go to the grociery store, in the end our car had maybe moved a foot.
Before he went out in the snow Dane came downstairs rocking my highheeled cowboy boots because we don't have any snow boots so they were the next best thing he could find, I love being married to this guy, he keeps me entertained.
That Virginia snow sure is showing Utah snow up now isn't it? Canceled church?? :) And that is some sundae snow sculpture! I love how he is in med school but yet you still have to keep him entertained. Tell him to do his HW! Love you guys.
haha! He is entertaining! I heard it wasn't good "snowman" building snow...leave it to Dane to prove them all wrong! Looks like we needed to venture down your way for some fun this past weekend. And...he fits in your boots?!!
Oh my gosh he is hilarious!! I sure miss u guys and enjoy the snow, and being snowed in!!
Oh man Dane cracks me up, he sure is a kid at heart!!
I'm glad we got to see the masterpiece in person!! Thanks for letting us take a picture with it - we feel so lucky! :)
I am sooo glad you keep blogging cause I spend way to much time looking at you guys blogs. It keeps me from doing housework so I guess its not all bad.
that giant ice cream looks awesome! lol I miss your face! I cant believe how big beck is getting I am so excited to find out what we are having too! next time you come out you better call me I want to see you!
Love the snowman :) So awesome!! Fun to see the posts. Thanks for watching Lincoln the other day for me. You are the best!! That night Lincoln kept asking where Beck was, I think he's his new buddy!!! Take care and talk to you soon!
I've decided what kind of a doctor Dane should be. A peditrician cause he will relate so well to the children. LOL.
That's awesome! I wish we weren't snowed in so we could come see it!! You guys are great!
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