Here's how we spend our days when we are stranded inside:
(If you can't tell this post is going to be an exciting one)

I can't even tell you how much time I spend every day watching Beck play in the fridge, he LOVES it.
He wants to feed himself now, and as you can tell he's pretty good at it

The bottom drawer is another favorite, he usually just takes everything out but this time he decided he wanted in.

I spend a lot of time everyday chasing him in circles around the table

Dane made him a fort to play in, and Dane spent more time crawling through it than Beck did, haha big surprise, really I think Dane built the fort for himself not for Beck
And of course I saw a lot of these expressions on his little mug - who can blame him though, its hard being stuck inside all day
Your pictures are too cute! Look at that unhappy little face cooped in all day, what are you doing to him?! Hope you guys can get outside soon :)
I really just want to squeeze him. i cannot believe how big he is! i love the picture of him looking at dane while rummaging through the fridge. hilarious. and the feeding himself pictures are always a classic with kids. oh gotta love the messes! HE'S JUST SO DANG CUTE!!
lol kaylee likes to play in the fridge too... i wonder what is so fun about it?... too cute!
You know it's not Beck's intimidating faces that make us hesitate to visit, it's the fact that you keep threatening us Californians with so much snow... ;)
haha! I LOVE This post! he is so cute and it's fun to see his little daily adventures. Come play with me if you get bored!
Again you proved my point about Dane being a pediatrician. He really needs to consider this.
oh wow!! this post makes me laugh out loud! I love the picture of him feeding himself! HILARIOUS ! I miss you Jessica! Now that I live closer to you, there is no excuse for you not to be at my door tommorrow morning with breakfast :) I cant wait to see you, we will have a blast!
Gosh I totally understand where you are coming from. I have been stuck inside all week, finally before I had a beak down Ryan took me out to Dairy Queen and got me a blizzard which was like the biggest thing for me just to get out of the house haha. It's funny the creative things you come up with to keep entertained. And I swear our boys are twins, Max absolutely LOVES the fridge too. Beck is seriously such a cutie. Time for number 2 ?? I think Beck needs a little permanent friend.
Jessica, Beck has gotten so big, and still so cute. I haven't looked at the blogs forever. I got out of the habit. It looks like you guys are doing great. Love you guys, Aunt Lori
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