My little sis and bro-in-law came out to visit last week, it was soooo good to see them and we had soooo much fun hanging out with them all week!

The first day they were here we went to Williamsburg, then we spent 2 days in DC, then Trevor had to go to meetings in Baltimore for 2 days so Shelby came to stay with us.

It was a bummer Trevor had to go to his meetings, but it was so fun having some girl time with Shelby, not to mention if he hadn't gone he wouldn't have been able to buy us these super cute matching beanies, don't I have a great brother in law!? While he was gone we did all the fun things that sisters do together like shopping, eating, a little cooking, nonstop chatting, and went to rent movies that we haven't seen in years that we used to love to watch together when we were little.

I wish SO SO SO bad that we lived close to eachother so that would could have fun like this everyday together, hopefully someday!!
Hey Jess, so glad you guys are loving it in Virginia. I use to live in Norfolk. If you get a chance go for a ride in the Shenendoah (spelling) mountains. They are beautiful. Hey we miss you so much around TRH! Hope you will get back in touch with me. Home address: Rick & Becky Nielsen
946 W 630 S
PG, Ut 84062
or facebook Becky Nielsen or email nanacheex@gmail.com
Looks like so much fun. :) I want to come and visit you! :)
How fun! It's hard living away from family so it's always nice when they can come see you. Seriously one day it's my dream to live close to Stephanie and we can hang out with our kids all day :) So I feel for ya. Still can't get over how cute your little boy.
so fun! YOur hair is getting so long! its gorgeous! what am I saying you are gorgeous! lol miss your face!
My thoughts exactly! "Hopefully someday".... We love you guys way too much and have way too much fun for us to live on opposite sides of the country... literally. :( We had so much fun, am so thankful for the great time you showed us, and can't wait to see all 3 of you again.
I say it time and time again, but dangit I want your wardrobe and your HAIR. Basically I just want to be you. HA, flattered? What are your plans for the summer?!? Coming to Chicago? Okay, done deal!
You look so gorgeous and tiny! I love your hair!
Your little family is so cute Jessica. You guys look so happy I hope all is going well for you out there. It is so fun to be close to family hopefully it won't be too long for you before you do get to be closer to your sister:)
It's always fun having family come, but makes you realize how much you will miss them when they leave!! Looks like you all had fun together!
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