Thursday, December 1, 2011
Thanksgiving 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Monday, November 7, 2011
Happy Halloween
Beck loves our pumpkins, to Dane's delight everynight he wants Dane to light them as soon as he gets home. We had to make an emergency candle run to the store the other night because they've already been through 3 candles and we didn't have any more. Beck walks out to look at them multiple times every night. Every time he will look at Dane's and say "ooh a scary pumpkin" and then he will look at the one Dane made for him and say "ooh a spider pumpkin for me!" and then he will look at mine and say "what's that?" EVERY TIME!!! Rude!
I think next year for Halloween I am going to go as something cute like a cowgirl or a princess I feel like Lindsay Lohan in means girls in this picture. I loved Ashlee's captain hook costume her whole family looked awesome in their Peter Pan costumes.
Monday, October 24, 2011

Saturday morning Dane was sleeping in (much deserved considering he's been getting up to go to the hospital at 3:30 am!) and Beck climbed up on the bed next to him and woke him up to tell him that if he gets out of bed then Beck would have to shut the door and put him in time-out. I bet you can't guess what we tell Beck everynight as we put him to bed
When he asks me for candy and I tell him no he just says matter of factly "ok I'll ask dad"
Quinn was in her room crying and Beck ran in ahead of me and before I went in he shut the door to their room and kept saying to Quinn "now just tell me whats the matter sweetheart"
Since Beck asks for fruit snacks 50 times a day I usually give him a pack and tell him to just keep them in his pocket until after dinner, half the time he sneaks away and eats them and half the time he actually saves them and doesn't ask again. So the other day he asked if he could have some for his pocket and I told him no because he had already had some and he started throwing a major tantrum, then mid tantrum he goes straight from crying and screaming to laughing hysterically and between giggles said "I don't even have a pocket!". I thought it was funny that he appreciated the irony of realizing he was wearing his basketball shorts which don't have pockets.
We were at the grociery store and instead of saying goodbye to the man that helped bag our grocierys Beck blew him kisses until he was finally out of sight.
And lets not forget our doctors visit last week to get the raisin he stuck up his nose! I don't know what he was thinking but I watched him as he shoved it in there and I tried to get it out with the tweezers which wasn't working so I called my mom and she googled it and read that if you blow into his other nostril and it might come out but I decided I would rather make a trip to the doctor than try that one. So I took him in and the doctor pulled out the giant raisin and after we left I put Beck in the car and he said "that was unreal!".
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Quinn - is the happiest baby in the world, if you make eye contact with her your sure to get a smile (except for Lara and my mom haha). She's getting her 2 bottom teeth right now. She hates baby food - even the fruits! She loves her dad and won't let him out of her sight. She thinks everything Beck does is hilarious, he's still the only one that can really make her laugh.
Beck - I didn't think it was possible but he has a sweet tooth as bad as mine and can sniff out any sugar I have in the house nomatter where I hide it, and then he will find a hiding place to eat it in and as soon as he is finished he will find me and say "I'm so sorry for eating....", if it wasn't for his honesty I'd never even know he had done it. He's been praying for Santa Clause everynight. Love's the songs Firework, Soul Sister, Bad Romance, New York, I am a Child of God, Popcorn Popping, and I Hope they call me on a Mission. When he leaves the room he tells me to stay right where I am and be a good boy until he gets back.
Dane - The hardest worker I know...but in my opinion he has mastered the "work hard play hard" whenever he has some spare time he wants to be doing something fun! He's super busy doing rotations but still makes time everyday to spend with me and the kids even if its just a quick trip to the grociery store or helping me get the kids ready for bed. And he definitely keeps me laughing...the other day we were at the mall and he tried on a pair of pants and then came out to show me, I told him I didn't love them and he agreed, then without even thinking he took them off right then and there....IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STORE!!! And the worst part is that I didn't notice what he was doing either until we both looked at him holding the pants and then looked down at him wearing his nice white silk underwear in the middle of the store!!! For anyone who knows Dane they know that he walks around shamlessly in his undies all the time even in front of my family or anyone who knocks on our front door haha but in the middle of a store at the mall...thats a stretch even for him!!
I know Beck isn't going to remember all the fun he had as a 2 year old with all his Virginia buds, but he sure loves them and I hope they will be friends forever and I'm sure there will be many more good times to come!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
Labor Day Weekend

Finn and Quinn hanging out together in their strollers (no - me and Ashlee are not obsessed with's all just a coincidence haha)
After the park we went and walked around downtown which was REALLY cute. They had some kind of festival going on so the kids had fun getting balloons and riding tractors there and then we went in some fun stores and went to eat.
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