I can't tell out of me, Dane, and Beck who loves Halloween most - we are all crazy about it so it's a tough call. I would maybe say Beck based on the fact that everyday since Halloween we get out his trick or treating candy 50 times just so he can smell every piece since he knows he can't eat it all. But then again I would maybe say me because I have a sugar tooth like most people will never be able to even comprehend and I LOVE watching all my favorite Halloween movies like Practical Magic and Double Double Toil and Trouble. But I actually might vote Dane as being the biggest Halloween fan because he gets true joy just from standing at the door handing candy out to kids, he is always more than willing and very excited to dress up in any costume I have for him, he also wont watch any movie thats not a Halloween movie for the whole month of October, and I've mentioned before I think that pumpkin carving is one of the top 3 highlights of Dane's year every year . Oh but wait, Dane doesn't like candy so I guess he can't be the biggest Halloween fan since thats the whole meaning of the holiday.

Now that I talked Dane up I hope you aren't disappointed in his pumpkins. Mine is the first one and he did the other 2. I bet you would never guess mine only took me about 10 minutes to carve, when I told Dane that I was done he looked at my pumpkin and then looked back at me in total disgust. I had it pictured being a little bit cuter in my mind.
Beck loves our pumpkins, to Dane's delight everynight he wants Dane to light them as soon as he gets home. We had to make an emergency candle run to the store the other night because they've already been through 3 candles and we didn't have any more. Beck walks out to look at them multiple times every night. Every time he will look at Dane's and say "ooh a scary pumpkin" and then he will look at the one Dane made for him and say "ooh a spider pumpkin for me!" and then he will look at mine and say "what's that?" EVERY TIME!!! Rude!

This was Dane's costume - he was a synchronized swimmer, so he wore this hat with a robe I was glad and very surprised that he was classy enough to choose to wear a robe instead of a swimming suit to our friends Halloween party haha. I never got a picture of Dane in his costume but Beck had no problem modeling it for me.

The Friday before Halloween was our ward's trunk-or treat. Beck and his buddy Benson (one of my favorite little boys in the world) looked so darn cute together in their twin dragon costume.

Ashlee, Me, Lara, Paige - LOOOOVE these gals
I think next year for Halloween I am going to go as something cute like a cowgirl or a princess I feel like Lindsay Lohan in means girls in this picture. I loved Ashlee's captain hook costume her whole family looked awesome in their Peter Pan costumes.

Dane and Tom Selleck - I definitely vote that Derek makes the mustache a permantent look. Dane didn't have time to dress up for the trunk or treat
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