We introduced Beck to Peter Pan for the first time and his reaction to it was PRICELESS!! At first we thought he just had a mean case of the giggles but after a couple minutes he was full on belly laughing and he laughed like that through the ENTIRE movie and it was at all the appropriate times that were meant to be funny so he wasn't just slap happy, a few times he was laughing so hard a few times I don't think he could even breath. So then me and Dane both got the giggles just watching Beck watch the movie, it was awesome and now Peter Pan will forever be one of my favorite movies!!
how cute!!! Glad to hear Beck does have a reaction to SOMETHING!
wow, i just caught up on all the posts you have done lately...i guess i should check it more but i figure since i talk to you daily i know most of it anyway- but that is not the case! Beck is such a cutie- love the cinnamon roll theif, the diva, dane wearing YOUR snow pants, the massive snow man, the movie and ok everything! LOVE your cute fam!
Those kind of moments are so priceleSS! You guys are too cute. I love it!
That is so cute! I love Beck's reaction! What a cute kid!!
Beck is WAY cute! Every kid needs to know about Peter Pan. Good for you guys!
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He is getting so big! You guys are such a cute family;)
family movie nights are the best! kaylee has just started slapping her leg when she laughs at something and it kills me everytime!
Yay for family movie nights! That's hilarious! Your fam is too cute! Miss you guys!
So cute!! I love movie nights! And I love the fort, that makes movie night so much better!
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