On almost a daily basis you will get a mass text about going to the park, pool, childrens museum, fountains, or picnic in the field. Every thursday night we meet at someones house around 9 and spend the whole night snacking and chatting. There are birthday parties, movie nights, tons of baby showers, bbq's, watching our favorite TV shows together, we even got together to play night games (a bunch of adult girls playing fugitive is very memorable). Needless to say we are all really really close! But when May rolls around so does graduation which means saying goodbye to these girls that I have spent almost everyday of my life with for the last 2 years.
It feels so bittersweet, I am grateful to have known these girls, some of whom have become some of the best friends I will ever have, but I tear up everytime I think of what life will be like next year without them!!! We are loosing our nextdoor neighbors AND backyard neighbors...don't get me started on how lonely I picture my life being without Rachel and Sara especially!!! They are both going to take a little piece of my heart with them - just kidding just kidding I'm not THAT dramatic...but close
When we moved to Virginia for medical school I assumed it would be 4 of the hardest years of my life, being across the country from all of my family and friends and knowing that Dane would be gone at school and studying long hours everyday. But now I am seriously DREADING the day he graduates when we have to be the ones that are moving on leaving all our friends behind.
I HATE goodbyes...