Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Holidays are getting more and more fun the older Beck gets. It still took him awhile to figure out the egg hunt, me and Dane finally started to pick up eggs for him and even then he would take it from us and then throw it back in the bush.

Beck and Lily
These two are so cute together!

Lets be honest though in the Church house Easter always going to be more exciting for me than the kids because every year since we have been married Dane heads to the store around 11:00 on Easter Eve (he procrastinates a bit when it comes to holidays) and then in the morning I wake up to a SWEEEEET egg hunt that he has put together for me. This year the first egg was on my nightstand so as soon as I woke up the hunt began, and if sending me on an egg hunt isn't impressive enough, Dane also writes all of the clues himself - he's a keeper!!!

Here's how it went:

1 - Jump for joy Easter is here at last and I hope your ready to have a blast. Your hunt has just started, oh what a thrill get this party started and light up the GRILL

2 - I hope that in finding this clue you didn't get a burn or a blister...but just in case you can cool that finger off cause the next clue is in the CRISPER

3 - This next clue is tough and could take till next winter but if you want a good hint look in the PRINTER

4 - Bend or crawl get low or just crouch cause this next clue is hiding under the COUCH

5 - You put food in front of Beck and he'll just sit and makes you wonder why we ever bought a HIGHCHAIR

6 - One day our kids will tell us how old we are, they wont believe we had to watch monsters inc or father of the bride on a VCR

7 - This clue is a gimmie it's easy no fib, you'll find this one lying in a CRIB

8 - Movies, music and game play that rocks anyone whose anyone would want a new XBOX

9 - If your starting to get tired don't fret the next ones not far but you might need to spend a little time in the CAR

10 - I know your exhausted so stop catch your breath...or get yourself a drink while your there though you might want to look under the SINK

After church we had a BBQ with all of our friends, we love having such great friends to spend holidays with

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