Wednesday, January 4, 2012


We had a WONDERFUL Christmas

Our parents are too good to us with all the fun things they plan and all the things they do for us to make Christmas time so special.

It was also SO FUN to finally meet our new little nephew Reid for the first time, and he didn't disappoint - he is the best cutest little baby ever, I couldn't get enough of seeing my kids together with their new little cousin.

We flew in Saturday and Sunday morning we went up to Salt Lake with Myrna and Doug and saw the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas program and then went and had breakfast at Little America...definitely one of my very favorite Christmas traditions!

The pictures above are from the Lisonbee family Christmas party, everyone acting out the nativity

I still can't get over how fun it was to hang out with Shelby with both of our little babies, after all those years growing up that we played "house" together it's crazy we are doing the real thing now haha

My mom saved our special ornaments that we would choose every year for us so we could put the on the Christmas tree ourselves.

Don't know if you see that little scratch on Beck's face but funny story - he walked into the room with the scratch bleeding on his face and I asked how he scratched himself and he said "Jack punched me"...hmmm funny since we haven't seen Jack in 3 weeks - before we left Virginia

Making gingerbread houses...we named some of our houses after some of the houses in the neighborhood we grew up in....I won't say what we named them so I don't offend anyone but I want to make a note of it so I don't forget how funny it was

Christmas eve breakfast at Magelby's

We also did other fun things that I didn't get pictures of. We went to Brick Oven (a must everytime we are in Utah) and then saw the play "Scrooge" with my family. We went to Sherlock Holmes and to see the Lights at temple square and ate at The Garden Room with Myrna and Doug. And on Christmas eve me and my dad took Beck to Arthur Christmas and everyone else saw Mission Impossible. Good good times


Ben and Alyse said...

Jessica. We have another connection. If we sat down and talked about it I bet we would find a ton more! How do you know Joe Baxter?

Nat said...

I'm so happy you've been blogging so it feels like I'm seeing you....even though it's been forever! cute pictures. and the story about jack punching him is hilarious.

eric + ashlee said...

Looks like your having fun! We miss you guys!

The Olson Family said...

Jess, I love your bangs! Your family is so darling. You better call me next time you are in town.