Our flight from Virginia to Utah: I was flying out of DC and right before we left the house for the airport I told Dane I forgot to check which airport in DC I was flying out of, he told me he would just look it up on his phone and we were on our way...we made it to Dulles and by the time we had both kids, 2 carseats, and 4 bags out of the car and in the airport I was kind of panicing because we only had 45 min and I had a lot of things to check in and it takes a long time to get me and 2 kids through security. So I am in a hurry trying to find Frontier Airlines and can't find it and then we realize... WE WERE AT THE WRONG AIRPORT!!! I am choosing to not go more into detail about who's fault this was. So we book it back to the car and plug Reagan Airport into the GPS and it is 45 MINUTES AWAY!!! By this time we have less than 45 min until our plane is supposed to take off...not board TAKE OFF. So I won't mention how fast Dane drives to try to get there while on the phone with Frontier asking what our options are if we miss the flight. After risking all of our lives driving like a maniac by some miracle we make it with 10 min to spare before the plane takes off but once again remember I have a bag and car seats to check and have to get through security and there is nowhere for Dane to park so he had no choice but to leave me curbside with 2 kids, 4 bags, and a carseat. I run to the desk and tell them when my flight leaves and the lady at Frontier does a few quick things to check my bags and then walks around the desk and picks Beck up and yells RUN!! Hahaha so me and her are running to security her carrying Beck, me carrying Quinn and 3 bags!! She showed the airport workers her employee tag and they let us go in the front of the line through security and everything goes through smoothly and we made it on our flight!!!! hahahaha modern day miracle!!!! I was on such a high from making the flight that nothing could get me down...until Quinn screamed her guts out on the flight for I don't even know how long which caused me to get so frustrated after awhile that then I started to cry!!! It was awful and I'm sure the lady sitting next to us thought I was absolutely crazy...but I was. Anyways we made it to Utah and thats all that matters. And I can't say enough good things about Frontier Airline's and their amazing employees and Reagan Airport haha
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to my mom dad shelby and trevor for such a fun fun trip!!!!!!!
hey Jessica- such a fun trip! your kids are so adorable btw! Do you make the headbands for Quinn? If not, you should check out my etsy shop sometime! http://www.etsy.com/shop/JoMazingAccessories
hope you and your family are doing well :)
Disneyland looks like so much fun - we need to play a trip out there! And as for your hellish flights, all I can say is that I am so glad I am done with them - haha! There is nothing worse than flying with 2 kids by yourself!
Disneyland looks like so much fun - we need to play a trip out there! And as for your hellish flights, all I can say is that I am so glad I am done with them - haha! There is nothing worse than flying with 2 kids by yourself!
Looks like a wonderful adventure in California. I have to say that ANY mother would have collapsed in tears after what you went through getting to Utah. And congrats on taking the high road and not placing blame (ha ha, like we don't know....) Love ya. Wish I could have seen you and met your sweet Quinn.
i cannot believe that airport story! that is crazy and I can't believe you made it to DCA! I have a similar story where I showed up to the SLC airport on the WRONG DAY! so dumb... haha. i'm jealous you got to go to disneyland!!
Oh my goodness, I just about died too, when I read the airport story. I got anxiety, just reading it :) Seriously can't believe that you still made our flight, amazing!! I can just imagine you all running through the airport. Looks like a super fun trip too!!! So, glad you made it back, safe and sound :)
I shouldn't have read about your plane ride right before I head to Utah. Lily loved seeing Beck at Disneyland, you know she's obsessed right? (With Disneyland, not Beck, well maybe both)
Happy to see this family enjoying the weekend. Hope I can bring mine to Disneyland on weekends too. But, bringing them out can be too tough sometimes. Better have Disney Stroller Rental. Making you comfortable where you can enjoy the rest of the day.
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