Friday, August 3, 2012

Dane's Campout

The other night I went to sleep with Dane laying in bed next to me and Beck asleep in his little tent which was set up next to our bed

I woke up to Beck laying in bed next to me and Dane asleep in Beck's little tent

I'm still not exactly sure how that all went down 


Lara Vanhille said...

That is hillarious! And seriously hands down funnest parents ever-having a tent up...Jack would think that is the coolest thing on Earth!

Jen and Tyson said...

LOL!!!! :)

Ty, Whit & Bree said...

ha ha, so funny. Don't you love when weird things happen in the middle of the night and no one knows exactly what happened!

Dallings said...

That's a great way to start the morning! I miss you guys.