Saturday, March 2, 2013

 A couple weeks ago we got to watch Benson and Brylee for the weekend while Kurt and Paige went to New York.  I made the mistake of telling Beck a couple weeks ahead of time that Benson was going to come sleepover for a few nights, after I told him about it he asked me probably 50 times a day how many more days it would be until Benson would come sleepover.  When it was finally the day they were coming he stood and looked out the kitchen window for at least an hour until they got to our house!

 Our sleeping arrangements were hilarious, I didn't put much thought into how we were going to do it and somehow it ended up with princess Quinn getting her own room and the other 5 of us sharing me and Dane's bedroom.   
The boys were awesome, we set up Beck's tent for them to sleep in at the end of our bed and they both went straight to sleep every night, I was shocked.

 Saturday me and Dane took the kids to the childrens museum. We looked like a total circus coming in with our 4 kids ages 4,2,1 and 1 plus my huge pregnant belly, I only got asked once if they were all mine haha.

Quinn took it upon herself to be the hairdresser for Benson and Brylee...what good sports
 Brylee is the cutest little girl in the world she seriously just walked around all day grinning from ear to ear, and being the youngest in the group she had to put up with a lot and was still happy the whole time.
It was such a fun weekend.  Plus is showed me that having 4 kids would be a piece of long as you never left the house and didn't have to give them baths or feed them everyday.
But seriously all the kids were so good and had so much fun playing together.
  Beck and Quinn definitely had some Benson withdrawals Tuesday morning when they woke up and he wasn't here anymore.


Brittany Nichole Miles said...

What pregnant belly?? I had no clue. I need proof. :) That's exciting! Glad you survived being a mother of 4 for the fun.

The Olsons! said...

Haha my goodness I still don't know how I can thank you enough for this weekend!! You guys are AMAZING!!