When me and Dane met I think that the biggest selling point of all to me was his obsession with Disneyland. I think that if Dane ever had to choose between me or Mickey Mouse I would be a single women faster than you could even say Mickey Mouse. But lucky for both of us Disneyland just so happens to be my favorite vacation spot too (and I am not just saying that because Dane loves it, it's always been that way) So we decided that since we hadn't been there in about 6 months it was about time to get our butts back there!! So for the 6th time since we've been married (lets not forget our trip to Disneyworld on top of it) we took a visit to the Happiest Place On Earth.

We of course had the best time ever!! The only big let down was that because of being pregnant I couldn't go on some of the best rides, not that Disneyland is all about the big scary rides...but it KILLED me to missed Tower of Terror and Indiana Jones. And when I watched Dane walk towards the Tower of Terror without me those dang pregnancy emotions got the best of me and I didn't handle it too well hahaha how embarrassing I KNOW! I wasn't exagerating, I am officially a crazy person. But even if I was sane I think that I still would have reacted the same to that situation because it is a pretty big deal!!

The second day we went to the character breakfast and it just topped everything off...you can't beat eating mickey mouse shaped pancakes and waffles while feeling like your trapped inside a Disney movie because the characters are walking around everywhere! And Dane of course wanted to make sure that I got his picture with every character that came to our table. But I think the biggest emotional high of the whole trip for me was when Mickey Mouse did not only personally wave to me in the parade, but he blew me a kiss and then pointed to me for at least 30 seconds as he danced away down the street hahaha what a trip!
I love the church's obsession with Disneyland! So fun! Looks like fun, I gotta get my butt there here real soon!
Looks like fun We took our kids to the Goofys kitchen too,they loved it.The Alice looked cuter than the creepy one we had!
You look so cute! I love your hair it fits you really well! I am so excited you are prego I talked to Christian about it all night last night I bet he was getting sick of it but I dont care!
my family are bunch of disney freaks too!! i can't wait til i can take Bostyn and especially my husband since he has NEVER been. (seriously, who has not been to disney land??? you don't even know who you are as a person until you experience disneyland right?!?!)
Haley you crack me up! Ahhhh I LOVE Disneyland! I can really smell it just sitting here thinking about it!!!
Oh Jess! You aren't looking as large and in charge as I immagined! Congrats! Love love!
Wow 6 times. When did you guys go? Jess now you know how I felt when I was pregnant and danny was trying to ditch me. I wanted to kick his grass.
That is so lucky that you go to Disneyland all the time! I want to go in August. Come with me. We'll get you a wheelchair because you're pregnant then we can skip to the front of the lines. And if you can't go on any of the rides we'll just go on It's a Small World. And I'm coming home to Utah. Wanna hang out? We'll plan a time through blogging since the both of us hate telephones so much.
This is not fair. I haven't been to Disneyland since 5th grade. and we are making our blog private soon so if you want to read it send your gmail address to derricknerin@gmail.com
Jessica I have never even been to Disney land!! I am going for the first time in Sept. I am so excited! Tell Dane that he cant have my puppy! haha how goes the pregnacy
So...when where you planning on telling us about the pregnancy?! Congrats! And as much as you like D-land, I sure hope you invested in an annual pass. It pays for itself by just going one more time. See you soon?
*were! not where! I hate it when people make stupid typos!
YOur blog is boring me! I suggest you do something about it!
Hi Jessica, It's Kindra Hill from the Lab. I found your blog, so I hope you don't think I'm stalking you. I hope you don't mind if I add your link to my blog. That's kindra-lee.blogspot.com. Congrats on the baby! That is super exciting!
Hey Jess this is Lacey. Looks like you guys are having a great summer!! Disneyland is the best it makes you feel like a kid!! Hope your feeling well!!
I need an update. Even if it's just about morning sickness.
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