Hands down one of the best parts of summer is Fiesta Days in Spanish Fork on the 24th of July. We always kick off Fiesta Days by getting together with all of my mom's side of the family and going to the rodeo together...which is by the way the best activity of all!! The other things we never miss are the SF parade (which used to be alot more exciting when it was acceptable to chase after all of the candy that they throw), eating big fatty scones for dinner at the park (and kettle corn for mom), the huge family reunion with my dad's side of the family (I usually know about 5% of the people there), and fireworks (Dane's favorite part of the 24th). Dane has two obsessions in this world....me and fireworks, jk. But seriously he is a firework freak!! We did fireworks at my mom and dad's house and he was getting frustrated because the wind was blowing a little (duh, we were in SF) but the fireworks weren't reaching their potential height because of the wind so Dane wasn't able to fully enjoy them because he was so busy testing out shields for the fireworks from the wind (it ended up being a huge card table that he put in the middle of the road) haha lucky for him the wind let up for the best fireworks that he saved for the end. I love that Dane gets so excited over stuff like that though it makes it so much more fun.

That looks way fun. I have lived in Spanish Fork for 4 years and have never been! Can you believe it? Maybe next year :)
I love Fiesta Days. Best time of my life. Seriously. And I'm sorry I didn't call you then second I got back from CA. But remember we hate talking on the phone so...
I an totally with you an Fiesta Days!! I love it too, Jeff just doesn't share the same love for it as I have. I think you have to grow up in that area to get the full affect!
I am so sad I didnt see you! I called you to see if you were at the parade but you didnt answer! We need to play soon! We are blessing Kaylee on Sep 20 so you have to come!!!
How fun is that...love the rodeo, and Jess....seriously you are teeeny tiny (you are preg right) love you woman! We need to get together!
Oh come on! You can't even get a picture of me on there? That is a rip off! Just kidding, I still love you. And thanks again for helping me with my blog
you guys are too funny...i love this line "dane has two obsessions in this world...me and fireworks." classic. i'm glad you found me becuase my memory is CRAPPY and i had already forgotten your address! I'll have to go add you guys to my list right now...
Hey Jessica, it was good to hear from you. Your blog is way cute by the way! And yes Joel Hyer is my cousin, that is crazy, it really is a small world sometimes. So what have you been up to? It does suck that he has been gone the whole summer but he comes home this weekend, hopefully!
Hey guys... we just found your blog through someone in the old ward... had fun catching up on you...congrats on finding out it's a little boy :) We had our little gal show up 3 months early...what a shocker! We'll have to come bring her by to play once yours shows up :)
Hey tubby,.. your blog is OFFIOCALLY lame! Update it already!
Hey Jessica. Thanks for the comment on my blog. I would LOVE to take pictures of your little guy! I've been wanting to have the opportunity to take infant pictures but I don't know anyone right now with an infant. Maybe we can help eachother out! PLEASE contact me when he's here!
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