Labor day weekend was the perfect way to wrap up our summer, but after all that fun it's going to make it extra hard for Dane to go back to his life as a student. We kicked off the weekend by going to Macaroni Grill with our friends Rhett and Jessie and as I've said before we are really good at picking our friends, not only do we spend the whole time laughing when we hang out with them but Rhett also has some pretty good hookups...so that night he got us free dessert, and I am not talking about a little piece of cake...they brought us out a tray with every single dessert that they have. The longest 30 seconds of my life was waiting for them to take that picture before we could dig in

Saturday we celebrated Brandon's (and Tessa's) birthday by going boating without Brandon because he had to work. My mom's sister and her family took us out on their boat which was of course good times!! Being an overly cautious pregnant girl put a bit of a damper on what I dared do...I am now a part of the mothers group, I went on the tube with my mom and my aunt and I am embarrassed to admit that I was the one telling them to slow down. I am usually the craziest toughest one out there! jk

After we went boating we went up Heber canyon with Mandi, Scott, Bridget, and Easton to stay overnight at a cabin. It was the first time we have sat around a camp fire in like 3 years! We had a very fun time just hanging out together pigging out and sitting around the fire (that Mandi had to teach the boys how to make). It had been awhile since we had all hung out together so it was extra nice to get together

Monday we went mini-golfing with the fam and my mom put us all into shock by kicking our butts...not by just a little bit...it was a huge win. By the last half of the course Dane would just shake his head in disgust every time she would go because she was playing out of her mind! We're still trying to figure out if that really did happen. So these pictures are everybody holding up their mini-golf ranking....yes that is my mom holding up 1 finger and Dane holding up 2
WHERE IS THE BELLY PICTURES!!! You are killing me here!!! That is so funny that your mom won I love it!
I've been waiting for you to update your blog so I could send you the link to our blog! Check it out! :) aimingforgold.blogspot.com
Well, we can't get you free dessert at a restaurant and we don't have a cabin for you to hang out in.. but it sure would be nice to see you guys soon! I do have some things for your little Dane Jr!
Jessica, I am glad that you finally updated your blog!! I still cant believe that you are prego!! I am so excited for you!! How is it going? any morning sickness? I am terrified of being prego!! Like I get freaked out everytime I think about it!! I think God will just have to surprise us cuz I am not going to try!! haha j/k
Mama Cupcake, you really need to check out Banana Head's blog. No kidding. You gonna be my neighbor??
AH HA!!! I found you!! So now we can be blogger buddies, instant friends at football games , and tell each other all our secrets :)
Still lame,.. come on you really need to get your big butt out more so you have something blog worthy!! JAY KAY!!! YOu are still lame,.. but you need to hang out with us more! PUNK!
Congratulations to you too! I know I am trying hard not to buy all these little girls clothes or things to decorate her room, it's so hard though! I am due christmas eve, when are you due?
Jessica! It's Kelsie from work. I saw your blog through Mandi's. It's stinkin cute! Hope you don't mind I added you to my list of pals. See ya around!
Jessica! I finally found you! Your pictures are so cute. I am so happy that we are neighbors we are going to have so much fun. Our husbands might get annoyed with us but who cares. Talk to you later
man you guys can party...sounds like you had a more exciting Labor Day than us! I'm pretty sure I was just trying to figure out life with a baby all weekend. And I'm basically jealous out of my mind about that dessert platter you had going on at the Mac Grill...can you say yum? I hope you enjoyed it!
Your so funny, you can call me when ever you want. I feel the same way, so don't even worry about it. We should do Cold Stone this week and not invite the boys.lol
So,.. you are lame and I tagged you on my blog because I am SICK OF YOU NOT EVER UPDATING YOUR BLOG,.. BLAGH!!!!!!! If you don't do it,.. you are not invited over on Thursday for our AWESOME party!! You chubby kid you,.. call me!
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