My delivery went SOOOO well I was induced at 6 a.m. had maybe 20 min of contractions before they numbed me up and he got here at 11:40 a.m. the nurse started laughing at me when I told her I was shooting for getting him here around noon cause she thought I was being a little unrealistic and I thought that I was being sarcastic too but apparently not!
He is sooo much fun to have in our family!! And now when we walk in the door of mine or Dane's parents house they act so much more excited to see us than they used to haha. He is already a super spoiled little boy by his grandparents - which spoils me and Dane too...we haven't had to buy too many things for him on our own so a huge THANKYOU for that!!
Anyways and I think that I will end with the most typical thing that I could possibly end with-but I'm sorry I mean it!...WE HAVE THE CUTEST KID ON THE WHOLE PLANET!!!!
PS - we couldn't get any pictures with his eyes open so I am aware that the 2 we have are not the best pictures but it's the best we could do for now!!
oh my gosh jess, he is adorable!! I mean it. Some babies are just not that cute when they are first born, but he is so stinkin cute!! I can't wait to get together with you!
Holy crap Jessica!! He is so freaking cute!!! We are coming up after Christmas so hopefully we can come by and see the little guy! We will call you guys when we get there. Congratulations!!!!!! We love you guys!!
My goodness, he is so dang cute! He is a doll! Congrats, you look great!
Oh my heck, finally! I've checked your blog like 20 times a day to see this cute face! He is so adorable Jessica, kudos to you and Dane! He's precious, I'm so sad I can't hold him, but we will meet someday! Love you guys! Talk to ya soon!
Finally! Pictures! He is perfect. The most perfect little boy ever. I can't wait to meet him. I'm in Canada now, but I will be back January 5. So I will have to come visit you. I NEED to hold him! I bought him a CUTE hat and mitten set! It's adorable if I do say so myself. Okay, keep updating cause I check your blog way too much for my own good. CONGRATS!
Congrats!! He is adorable!!! I'm glad you are loving being a mom so much!
He is adorable! And you guys look great too! Congratulations!
I am so glad everything went so well! CONGRATS!! I can not wait to see him.... Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!!!! But how could you not you just got the best present EVER!
Beautiful boy Jess! Congrats - seriously you're going to be such a good mom!
I am so excited for you guys! He is adorable!
Jessica he is soooo cute! I am so happy for you guys! We just saw your parents the other night at the mall! They were both so excited to have him here! You are such a cute mom!
I'll be honest I have been waiting for these pictures for way to long! And I love them so much! He is so dang cute! I'm sure he's even cuter in real life! Well I was hoping I would get to see him tonight but it sounds like we won't be making it with this awful weather! So i'm sad! Karissa and I will have to come and see ya!
Well I'm so happy for you two and I just can't to see him!! Love ya!!!
Thanks for putting pictures up. I was beginning to think you were lying about this whole having a kid thing...
Congrats you guys! He is so cute! Merry Christmas!
Yay! We kept checking for pics of our little handsome nephew!! I'm so glad that you are loving being a mom. We can't wait to meet the little guy. He is perfect!
He is a doll! I am so so so happy and excited for you guys! You are the cutest parents! And Jess.... You look AMAZING!!!!! Love you guys!
Holy Cow! Beaner's a DAD?!?!?! hahaha congratulations to all you guys! it's so exciting!
She is precious! I love the stalking! You look so beautiful Jess, and Congrats! How cool that you guys had yours around the same time as Brig and Britt! So fun, they will be close little cousins :) Did you guys get the gift I sent? I hope so! Love you, and congrats!
How awesome that you had your little baby boy! He is adorable!! congrats-
Ok first of all he is too stinkin cute! Second you need to answer your phone my sweet friend cuz I need to come and hold that lil' guy. Congrats to you and Dane he is defiantly a cutie!!
Jess! I havent seen you since your wedding and new you have a baby! wow! what a cute family :)
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