Christmas this year was the perfect ending to a great year! It would take forever if I wrote down all of the highlights of the year or even of Christmas so I'll just name a few (and in no particular order): 1 - Beck was here 2 - Shelby and Trevor were here 3 - breakfast casserole, cinnammon rolls, chex mix, coconut bread, lemon bread, and sugar cookies (all thanks to my amazing mom) 4 - green chili eggs, donuts, Christmas fruit slush, and sparkling cider eaten with gold silverware (all thanks to Dane's amazing mom) 5 - festival of lights 6 - Christmas Puzzles 7 - watching every Christmas movie ever made 8 - a video camera 9 - acting out the nativity as a fun reminder that Christ's birth is the real reason to celebrate

Okay so Beck is so cute. I got back in town yesterday and am dying to see you and the babe. I'll just text ya cause if you only check these comments as much as you update your blog then we're in trouble!
I LOVE IT! Cute photos - of the whole fam (except your Mom escaped somehow...). We've been trying to call so Tessa & I can see Beck but you never answer your phone! Give us a call & we'll come over. Seeyaloveyabye! :)
Your baby is so stinkin' cute! You need to bring him into the hospital so that I can see him. :) I miss you by the way, the new girls aren't very fun. Anyways, looks like you guys had a really good Christmas, what I perfect Christmas present by having a new member in your family!
Jess, so I lied, I checked to make sure I did write a message and I didn't, but I am now and that's what counts :) So my blog is thesorensen2.blogspot.com check it out and seriously lets hang out or we could have you over for dinner or something. Your little Beck is so adorable! Isnt being a mom the best?
Just looking at your friends list, and I found Dylan and Ashley, i'm assuming you are friends with Ashley. Crazy I know her husband Dylan he lived down the street from us in Magrath Alberta where I grew up haha weird! He's my older sisters age I was best friends with his little sister Kassi. Random...just thought i would let you know it's a small world!
I love your blog too. But I would probably love it more if we were still friends outside of the blogging world. If I don't get to see Beck soon I'm going to be so mad I'm not even kidding. Word.
It only gets better from here!!! Beck is so lucky to have you two as parents, and his grandparents aren't so bad either. Love all of you and can't wait to see Beck.
Hello cute Jessica! This is your "favorite Sunday school teacher"! I'm so glad to hear from you:) What a beautiful little guy you've got! I love his name! Say hello to your cute family for me. Kali will be glad to see Shelby's picture.
Beck is soooooo cute! Glad you guys had a good Christmas. We definately missed you...and the Christmas slush and green chili eggs... I could go on...
I still can't get over how stinking cute Beck is! I need to see him again, he is changing already! I am excited to see you tomorrow, it has been to long! OH...and I gotta say Jess, You make a BEAUTIFUL Mary!
What a pretty princess brando makes! You're baby is so stinking cute!
Oh I just love him!! I loved seeing you at Bunco even though little Beck was starving while you played...haha! Call me and let's get together..I would call you but you might not answer the phone!!
This is my third comment on this post haha oh well, so i'm dead serious about getting together and hanging out too! Let me know when you are comfortable going out or having people go to your house and we can get together and watch a movie or something. Here is my number, 318-1435 call me or i'll be upset because we need friends :)
Ok! so i'm super stoked i got your email in my junk mail haha but even cooler that you have a blog! now i have a friend to blog with!! i love your baby!!
Jess he's so dang cute! What a fun Christmas season so many fun thing going on! You look great! And also thanks for letting me hold cute little beck at the christmas party for so long!! He's just a cute!
oh my gosh i thought i had been so good at making sure i knew when you posted about beck but then i fell off the face of the blog world over the holidays and apparently i MISSED IT! i love him he is so cute and i CAN'T WAIT to come over and meet him! he is so teeny and it's so good to hear that you are loving being a mommy. you look beautiful!
Oh my goodness!!! He is beautiful Jes! I bet you just love being a mom! I hear you'll be coming back to work soon and in the ER!!! I am VERY excited for that! See you soon.
K- do I feel like an idiot or what! Lance just barely told me about my gift and everything...I'm so sorry! What in the world was I thinking (obviously that you had a girl) I'm soooo sorry, I owe you big you guys!
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