Beck got his first haircut Friday night, he was starting to get bed-head and looked like a crazy scientist everytime he woke up so we knew it was time. He was darling while Dane was cutting his hair, when he wasn't trying to grab the clippers he would hunch over, close his eyes, and flinch everytime he would feel the clippers on his head. I thought that if I fed him while Dane cut it would distract him, but that didn't do anything except make a bigger mess for me to clean up.
i love the first pic of Beck .. it is so cute!!
He is darling! Going to be a heart breaker!!
SO cute! SO I guess Dane got sick of it not being even. I remember you saying that drove him crazy! Well Beck looks like a little stud!
That is so cute! And he was an adorable little lion for Halloween. It looks like Virginia is treating you guys well!
He is geting so big! I love his hair way cute!
I love those pictures of Beck, I wish I was having what he had for dinner... I'm so impressed it made it all the way to the eyebrows and the ears! I wish I could see him being so well behaved while getting his haircut, sounds so cute!
He is adorable! I am going to add a link to you from my blog, is that okay?
oh boy! i love this little boy and i need him. oh and i need you too. and the fact that both of us suck at keeping in touch does not bode well for us.
Oh my gosh, he is so cute. I wish you guys were near me so I could just kiss his cute face. Tell Dane he's got his brother's skills with clippers. And just because I'm curious, are those the same clippers he uses to trim his... oh nevermind...
Hahaha he is so cute! I can't believe he is going to be 1 next month, that went by SO fast!
Thats so fun. It's pointless trying to get a good haircut on a baby, haha we ended up just buzzing Max's head cause we couldn't cut it even.
hey Dane and Jessica i love these pics! i miss you 3 sooo much i hope i can see you soon. but Dane you should give me a call i tried to call you but it was way too late. hey i love you 3
love james.
or send me an email at jamespritchard1992@yahoo.com
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