We LOVE Halloween and it's so much more fun now that I have a little guy to dress up and who earns me a bunch of candy from trick-or-treating. We carved our pumpkins the night before which is one of Dane's all time favorite things in this world. He does all the pumpkin gutting because even though I LOVE pumpkin scented anything I think the real smell of pumkin is the sickest thing in the world. Beck of course enjoyed eating the pumpkin while Dane got them ready to carve. And I accomplished something I didn't think was possible...for the first time(and probably the last) Dane complimented my pumpkin carving skills...he is usually disgusted with me because I don't put nearly as much effort into it as he thinks I should.
SO cute I love Beck in his cute Lion costume! Looks like you guys had a fun halloween season!
What a cute lion, and what super impressive pumpkin carving skills! I just don't know what kind of a parent eats all of their child's Halloween candy ;)
I love that movie! Beck is getting so big I just can't believe he's almost a year old! I love his costume. I miss you Jessica!
how cute is mr. beck!! Britton is now drulling ( how do you spell that word ?) just like beck now! He is CONSTANTLY wet all over his face, shirt, and my shirt! Its AWESOME!! So..... still waiting for your call :) what day do you guys get here for christmas?
haha drool ? droll? drooll?
Beck really IS the cutest little lion I've ever seen!!! You are totally at an advantage right now because your kid doesn't realize that mom ate all his candy, mine on the other hand... I try to explain to them that they must be mistaken when they thought they had 4 reeses peanut butter cups left last time they looked. We miss you guys!!
He is so adorable! I love Halloween and you're right it is so much better with kids! Just wait it gets even better! You look so good! You need to come visit me soon!
Isn't that the greatest movie ever! I am actually growing my hair out to look like Sandra Bullocks off that movie. Beck looks super cute in his costume, I'm sad Halloween is all over :(
Bjorn and Beck matched, because they had the same outfit! Funny!
Hey! I just wanted to say hi! We haven't caught up with you guys in so long! Your pics are great and your little boy is the cutest!
I was your fill in for Practical Magic this year. (twice) The pics are the best and brings back so many memories. We miss you guys and cant wait for Thanksgiving!
Cute lion! I love how Dane was proud of your carving effort, you are too cute Jessica.
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