This was our first 4th of July away from home, it was wierd not going to BYU to watch the fireworks from Stadium of Fire with our family. But Virginia definitely knows how to celebrate the 4th!

Saturday we went to Virginia Beach and spent the day with our good friends Ken and Lindsay. We all went to the beach and then went to Lindsay's parents house and swam in their pool and had a bbq and that night they ordered the UFC fights - FUN DAY!!

Sunday night we went to Yorktown to watch fireworks. But right before they started I was shocked that Dane decided we should all pack up our blankets and watch them from the parking lot so that we wouldn't be stuck in traffic for 3 hours....Dane of all people not wanting a front row seat for the fireworks?!?!? I don't know what came over him he's usually die hard about fireworks.

I love Yorktown it was the perfect place to celebrate the 4th, it's just a super cute little town with fun houses and restaurants and a nice little beach and they've restored most of it to look like it did during the revolutionary war. They had a little parade where boys dressed up like soldiers from that period marched around and played in a band. I loved it, it was so cute!
I love your hair. LOVE it. Happy East Coast 4th!
I can't believe Dane wanted parking lot fireworks!! Yorktown would be super cute on the fourth, sounds like fun!
okay, what the hell. why do you have such cute and normal friends?! i'm jealous. i'm moving in with you.
Oh we missed the fourth in Virginia. Jess you are so photogenic and what is up with your gorgeous silky locks (you live in humid Virginia for crying out loud)! Your trips looked so fun and I look forward to the giand gummy bear upon my arrival...I won't tell the others.
I love the hair too...sooo cute!! As always of course!! I miss you guys so much and im glad you had a happy 4th!!
sad we missed out! You girls look so cute! Yorktown must have been awesome!!!
and p.s. Emily you are not a sugar holic and do NOT get a gummi bear...you make fun of the sugar atics! lol
how come you just always seem to be getting cuter and cuter!! I peeked over at Sara and Tommy's blog and was sooo glad I did because I got to see your slip n slide pictures!! that looks so fun! Wow, Beck reminds me so much of Britton, these two are NUTS and are so active. I insist we get them together very soon! miss and love ya,
yeah seriously.. about the hair.. How do you do it? My hair was down for about 2 seconds! Not fair! Thanks for coming, it was a blast!
hey jessica, i don't know if you remember me, but you got in touch with me last year about housing.... it looks like you're loving in at chelsea! i knew you would :) we need to finally meet in person!!
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