We did our yearly trip to the Tuacahn and saw Tarzan - the Tuacahn never lets us down, it was awesome!!
Here's Trevor doing Beck's hair for church - what a cute uncle huh and Beck looked dang good
I can't decide if my favorite part of this picture is Dane rockin the goggles or my dad backfloating behind him with the tube necklace.
In St. Georege we played Farkle and Ticket To Ride. The girls did some shopping while the boys went golfing and played basketball in the 110 degree weather. And we spent a lot of time in the sweet pools. The highlight of the entire trip was the chicken fights - me and Dane vs my mom and dad - take a wild guess who won! Unfortunately my mom banned me from posting pictures. But it was good times!!
When we got back we were able to spend time with Grandma Myrna and Papa Doug. Beck loved riding the go-cart at their house and playing in the water table that Grandma bought

We went golfing one morning while we were there - it was pretty scary on my part, I think I've only been 2 other times and I think I would need to go a couple hundred more just to be able to hit the ball on my first swing but I did have a lot of fun. My father-in-law Rob taught me a few tricks for next time - I just need to remember "It's all in the hips" I think that if I can get that down Dane will be in big trouble playing against me next time.

We spent a night with Myrna in Doug in Park City we stayed at a place that had some sweet pools that we totally enjoyed and then we played dominos and ate junk food until all hours of the night. Then the next morning we all went down the Alpine Slide except for Beck was too young to go so Grandma made it up to him with a Merry-Go-Round ride
Shelby and Trevor - miss you guys!!
Me and "little" Dayne who now taller than "big" Dane - isn't he cute!
The night after Park City we all went back to SF for the big rodeo!! Summer would not feel complete without going to the rodeo - I love it!
Beck loved riding around the neighborhood standing up on the scooter

Summer would also not be summer without the "Fiesta Days" parade

Whenever Beck came up missing I knew he would be in one of these 2 places - the piano or playing with the bathtub tap

Beck and GG love eachother - she is the only one that can rock him to sleep in her arms. We went and watched fireworks together and he just layed in her arms the whole time - that is very rare for Beck
When we got to Utah Beck could only say maybe 10 words but while we were there he started talking up a storm our favorite was one night my cousin Lauren was showing him pictures of anmials on her camera and he started saying "Oh my gosh!" at first we weren't sure if that's what he was really saying but then we showed him the moon and he said it again and it was clear as day. It was really cute - he puts a lot of expression into it
Anyways, I can't say it enough - we love our family and we miss them so much. Thanks for all the fun!!
I was in Utah too! My mom made me go through my old pictures and I found us in Kindergarten and pictures of us in clogging. I couldn't help but laugh!
Ah I'm so jealous that you were in Utah! It looked like so much fun!! You are gorgeous, like usual. And I honestly cannot believe that you stay up all hours of the night eating junk food... it doesn't look like you have ever eaten a piece of junk food in your entire life! Oh and Beck is just perfect... I love him!
I was happy I got a call from you this time!! But sad we never ended up hanging out!! Next time FOR SURE!! xoxo you all look as cute as ever and always!!
Holy cow is that my pimp little nephew smoochin on a girl?? First kiss at age 1. Amazing. :) We love you guys. A lot. And we LOVED being able to hang out with you. Can't wait till the next time.
Wow where to begin?! First of all go you for already posting your entire Utah trip!- I am not one bit jealous:) I LOVE the goggle, and dad lounging pic! You are so funny...and I want to see those chicken fight pics! I bet they are pretty awesome- I also would love some pics of "It's all in the hips:)" Sweet post!
That trip looks awesome. You guys fit a lot in in two weeks! I love that you are always so camera ready...seriously. Half of my pictures are of me in my pajamas. Glad you got to go visit family. That is always so fun!
It's always so fun to go home and visit! Looks like you guys had a great time :)
how fun! and way to be on top of updating! haha it might be next year before I post about home! I would LOVE to stay wherever you stayed because it looks BEAUTIFUL and so much fun! It looks like you guys had such an awesome time, but I would have to agree it gets harder to say bye! I cried like i'd never cried before!! YIKES!
I'm so glad you enjoyed your 2 and a half week trip to Utah.
I'm not telling you when I'm coming to Virginia.
i'm jealous I want to fly out to Utah. That picture of your husband with the sweet goggles and your dad floating behind him is hilarious, I bust out laughing out loud when I saw it. Your little guy is so cute I can't get over it. Looks like you had a blast.
What a fun trip! I can't believe how big Beck is getting...he's such a cutie! The cast members for Dancing with the Stars were announced tonight and I thought of you Jess! :) Miss you guys!
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