I'm starting to think I may just move in with my mom and dad while Dane finishes up his last 2 years (jk) but we have been having such a good time with our family and friends it's going to be hard to leave them!!

Dane's sister Ashlee and her 6 kids came to visit from Nebraska so we were able to have a fun week with them while they were here, Ty is a year older than Beck and Bennett is a couple months younger so Beck had a lot of fun playing with them and he LOVES his cousin Abby who is so cute to play with him all the time. While they were here we went to the pool a couple times, Kangaroo Zoo, they took Beck to Chuck-E-Cheese, and we went to Provo Beach Resort where the kids played on the playground, ropes course, merry-go-round,and arcade but the only thing Beck cared about was bowling they have mini-bowling and he LOVED it
haha is this trashy or what - Beck and the cousins had a good time as always playing with the baby lambs
Beck (and me and Dane) loves riding Dane's old go-cart at Grandma's

Our good friends Danny and Alysen took us boating at Utah Lake, I LOVE boating it was so much fun and Beck had a ton of fun with his little buddy Owen.

We started the 4th of July festivities early by watching fireworks Saturday night, it took a few minutes before Beck warmed up to it.

Shelby and Trevor got here just in time for us to all be able to celebrate the 4th of July together. We all went to breakfast at Magelbys, then played some cards, then girls went shopping while boys went golfing, then had a bbq, and topped it all of with our own firework show.
And let me tell you the firework show that the boys put on for us was not a disappointment...it never is when Dane is involved! I can't begin to explain Dane's love of fireworks, we can't drive by a fireworks stand without him saying something like "oh doesn't the sight of that stand just make you so happy!?" I'm pretty sure he would spend every penny he had on fireworks if I let him. My mom gave us money to go buy fireworks cause she knew Dane would take that job very seriously, and it took him an hour running back and forth between the fireworks at the grociery store and the stand before he decided what he wanted to buy.
So that night the boys all got together and set up all of the fireworks in the driveway and then strategized who was going to light which firework and in which order...and to top it all off my dad has his classical music blasting in the background...believe me it was magical!! haha

We went to Provo Beach Resort with my family too. We all bowled and then Dayne did indoor surfing while me and Trevor did the Ropes course, and Beck no surprise bowled some more.
We did a baby shower for Shelby. AHHHH I can't wait for my little nephew to get here!! Without a doubt Shelby and Trevor are going to have one cute baby!!
Then since Dayne is going on his mission next month he got to go through the temple for the first time and my entire family was able to be there....it was so awesome to be able to have the whole family in the temple together.

Every summer my family goes to St George to go see the AMAZING plays at the Tuacahn. We went this last weekend but Shelby and Trevor had to fly home to California the day before we left so that Trevor could go to class, but then they totally surprized us and the day after they got home turned around and drove back up to St George so when we woke up Saturday morning they were in the living room of the condo sleeping on an air mattress!!
I have to say the biggest highlight of the trip...and maybe my life;)...was Shelby brought "Saturdays Warrior" a childhood favorite of both of ours and come to find out Irene's too...and we all did a sing-along to the entire movie together. It was INCREDIBLE!!!!!
We had an awesome time we went to see the "Little Mermaid" the first night but after 20 minutes right during the thunderstorm in the play an awful thunderstorm really came and it starting pouring buckets of water on us so they had to cancel the play! Thanks a lot mother nature!! But Saturday even though the weather forcast was the same we went and saw "Grease" and luckily it didn't rain a drop and it was so good!
Other than going to Tuacahn we did some swimming, played games, ate out, shopped, the boys golfed...the usual....and Mr. One-track-mind Beck just wanted to play mini golf at the club house the whole time we were there and luckily Dane, Dayne, and my mom and dad all took their turn taking him so he was a happy camper.
Beck was so funny before we left we told him we were going to go to St. George and then he kept telling us he wanted to see a monkey and we were all so confused but then my mom figured out that he was getting St. George and Curious George confused haha.
I'm so excited you've had such an amazing time in Utah. Looks like you've enjoyed every minute. Your poor mom and dad are going to have an emotional breakdown when you all leave...
It's so nice you were all able to be together before Dayne leaves next month. Having the whole family in the temple is truly a blessing. I love you all dearly.
How long are you in town? We should go to the park or something! I want to see those cute kiddos. Call or e-mail me if you can!
You guys are such a cute little family. That is so cool you got to stay here for this long with your family. What a fun summer!
I might have cried at that picture of you guys in front of the temple. Don't judge. And there is not one mention anywhere in your blog posts about Utah about that hecka funny night at Wingers.....And how we said we would hang out once a week...which worked well.
Your kids are so stinking cute!! I can't believe how beautiful little Shelby is all prego!! Can't wait to see her little boy!!
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