One of the things we loved about being in Utah for so long this summer was that we had more time to spend with some of our best friends. But even though we had more time with them, it still didn't seem like enough, i wanted even more time to be able to hang out with them again and again.
I wish I had got more pictures hanging out together but I'm going to write about all of them so I don't forget!
I got to meet up with some of the girls that I used to work with at the hospital that I miss SOOOO much Annie, Lindsay, Mandi, and Stacy.....we pretty much just spent the entire time together laughing it was so fun....having to work isn't all that bad when you work with girls like them....we had some good times!!
I also had such a fun time getting together with some of my cousins and going out to eat...they are all so fun I love spending time with them.
We were able to get together with Dan & Alysen a couple different times and they were so nice to take us boating and have us over for dinner a couple times. Beck loved their little boy Owen, maybe some day they'll be best friends just like their dads
Steph and Tahsha were also nice enough to entertain me during the day and invite me to lunch and the park a couple and Beck both loved it!!
We got together Rhett and Jessie a couple different times not only do we love hanging out with them cause they make us laugh the entire time but they also took us kayaking down the Provo river which is one of my favorite things in the world...they are seriously so fun
haha and another blast from the past - me Tessa and Megan at highschool graduation - again I didn't get pics of us hanging out, but lucky for them I found this little gem in my photo album.

I was able to catch up with a few friends that I hadn't hungout with in years it was so fun!
I went out to eat with my friend Laurel who I hadn't hung out with since highschool and we could have sat and laughed and talked for days it didn't feel at all like it had been 7 years since we hung out.
These are pics of me and my friend Lyndsey - we were best friends as soon as I moved to SF in first grade and stayed best friends all growing up. I hadn't hung out with her in so long so it was fun and totally crazy hanging out again especially now that we both have 2 kids! We took the kids to the park by my old house and then we went to eat at barries which is not only the best hamburger and shake place ever but also where me and Lyndsey would always go together so it was fun to take our kids
P.S. The first picture of us was taken after our Halloween parade - Lyndsey didn't usually wear a dance costume to school and I didn't use a can in 3rd grade - it was for my "wheres waldo costume"
And the second picture was just us thinking we were pretty cool when we were in highschool haha

Even though I didn't get to see her a ton this summer it was fun to hang out with Tessa and meet her fiancee Josh - I would have been really troubled if she had married someone that I'd never met especially since Dane practically spent as much time with Tessa as he did me while we were dating since me and Tessa were roomates and always together haha.
And I hadn't hung out with Megan since highschool either but I had a total blast getting together with her and meeting her darling little twins I'm so glad that we got to hangout!!
1 comment:
Cute pictures! :) They sure do take me back with you haha... looks fun to catch up and play!
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