Sunday, February 10, 2013

Beck's birthday....2 months late

What the heck I totally forgot to post about Beck's birthday!
We did another combined Beck and Lily birthday party this year...and just like last year Ashlee came up with all the cute and creative ideas and I took half the credit for it all, not a bad set-up for me!
It's going to be depressing next year when we move and won't have Lily to celebrate with...they are just the cutest combo in the world!
The theme was Knights and Princesses, Ashlee made an awesome castle entrance for the doorway when the kids walked in and we had shields for the boys and princess crowns for the girls to decorate when the kids arrived.  True to what we expected the girls all sweetly sat in the corner decorating their crowns together and the boys skipped the decorating and went straight to fighting.
Last year we learned our lesson that if you plan too many games and the party lasts too long it gets a little crazy so we kept it simple, we did a treasure hunt and then had a dragon pinata (it is a miracle nobody went home with a black eye) and then we did presents and lunch.

On Beck's actual birthday Dane had the day off so we got to party all day long.
We did presents, lunch at McDonalds, went to the park with all his friends, saw Wreck it Ralph, and then came home and ended the day with cake and icecream.
Beck is the best little buddy in the world I hate to brag but I seriously think he is the most perfect boy ever.   He's so fun and such a goof I love that he loves to laugh and have a good time but he's also just the sweetest little thing.  I could write a novel on all the things I love about him but I'm going to keep it simple for now and just say WE LOVE YOU LIKE CRAZY BECK!!

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