Friday, February 1, 2013

Buried Treasure

 Beck has been really into pirates lately, he has a little treasure box that he carries around everywhere he goes and he's stuffed it full with fake coins and almost every piece of jewelry I own.  The other day my mom sent us a package full of candy and stuff for my kids and she put in a little necklace for me and as soon as Beck saw it he yelled "AMMY SENT ME TREASURE!!"
He had been asking me for days to go outside with him to dig for buried treasure but it snowed the first of the week so we waited until the snow melted and went outside to dig for treasure.
I thought about going out ahead of time without him knowing and burying something for him to dig up but I'm afraid that in the long run it would lead to disappointment because then he would want to dig for treasure every day expecting to find something and I'm not about to go outside to dig a hole and fill it with treasure on a daily basis!
 These are what we call the Church eyes...this expression definitely comes from Dane's side haha
The reason he was so excited is because when he was digging for treasure he found a jewel (aka - a piece of glass)...once again, glad I didn't take the time to bury treasure for him if a piece of glass was all it took to get him so excited

And this little girl was more than happy to hang out in her little car while we waited for Beck to strike it rich.

1 comment:

Furniss Family said...

Cute kiddies! Quinn is getting so big!