Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Happy Easter!

We had such a good easter! Easter Morning I woke up to an egg laying in front of my alarm clock with a number 1 on it so I opened it and there was a clue inside that started me off onto a very exciting egg hunt!

#1) Hooray Hooray the hunt begins your first clue hides near the muffin tins
#2) Your one step closer to your tasty treat but are you sure you can stand the heat? (heater)

#3)So far so good your on the right track but the next clue is hidden in a crack (I know what you may be thinking but no, it was behind the bed)

#4)best be quiet if Beck asleep but the next clue sits with a friend of Little Bo Peeps (Beck has a stuffed lamb in his crib)

#5)try and keep up with all my tricks the next clue hides with all the flicks (I have a great collection of chick flicks)

#6)I hope the hunt doesn't make you bounce of the walls but the next clue lies with fuzzy balls (I have a bowl full of decorative balls on the kitchen table)

#7) you could go east, west, south, or north but this next clue only moves back and forth (Beck's swing)

#8)your almost there don't you quit, this clue glows bright when it's lit (lamp)

#9)this is an easter that won't be forgotten and unlike others like it this clue wont go rotten (in the egg holder in the fridge)

#10)sorry this is the last clue your gonna get, you'll love your present as long as it's not all wet (it was in our bedroom closet which flooded a couple of months ago)

And this is what I found in the closet! Hahaha is Dane not the funnest husband ever!?! He didn't come to bed until 3:30 the night before because he was up trying to think up 10 clever rhyming clues. The case of diet coke that I got him looked pretty lame compared to what he did for me haha

The Easter Bunny only visited me at our house, but we were pumped when we found out the bunny left Beck a killer basket at my mom and dad's house!

Other than the adorable stuffed duck everything in Beck's basket was looked SO CUTE!!

This was the easter feast my mom had waiting for us...once again how cute does that look!?! I loved the easter colored rolls and it took me forever to decide out of all the cupcakes which color of frosting I wanted because they all looked so cute!

After dinner we had another easter egg hunt in my mom and dad's basement for me, Dane, Brandon, and Dayne. All I'm going to say is that it was the best egg hunt I have EVER done, even though though boys all found their eggs 10 min before I did so then I had my second personal Easter Egg hunt for the day.
Beck was trying to eat the entire Easter basket whenever we would put it next to him so the picture above is what he would when we put the basket next to him and the picture below is the picture we finally got after 10 minutes of taking non-stop pictures waiting for him to look at us.


Anonymous said...

Jess he is so cute!! What a fun easter.

Amanda said...

Jessie! Beck is getting so big!! I know that it took you a whole 10 seconds to down all that candy in your basket, AND the Easter feast. Was your family super pissed you ate ALL the food!? Call me punk!!

Lee & Kindra said...

I love the tongue picture. That is so cute!

Chase Family said...

You guys are so funny. What happened to you playing bunco?

Mary Anne said...

how awesome was that hunt and the clues??? i can't believe the talent you're living with jessica. dane is one of a kind!

what a cutie beck is! trying to gobble up his easter basket...

Truman & Amy said...

This is so completely adorable!!! You and Dane are such a cute couple, and your darling baby complements you guys so well haha. What a fun Easter!

Love Amy :)

Ry, Shell, Maxwell and Henry said...

Haha you're fine Jess I believe you :) Cute Easter baskets! I gave mine to Ryan like a month ago, I'm so impatient. Well we need to try to hang out soon, we may be moving to Seattle in a few weeks so..........yes, we need to if you guys do end up getting a free weekend. You have my number so just call me if you do get some free time any day :)

*WEST* said...

That is the CUTEST thing ever! Dane for sure gets huge points for that one!!

Stephanie said...

Oh Jessica I miss you so much! Can we please hang out soon! Beck looks so freaking cute! Let's get together!