Monday, April 16, 2012

Brandon and Irene's wedding

The reception the night before the wedding
The cute couple
My cousin Karissa and her fiance Ben were so nice to watch all the kids during the wedding
Beck and his buddy Bjorn - these 2 crack me up they played so good together during the wedding and reception, Bjorn was pretty much my babysitter for Beck as long as he was around Beck was totally entertained...and of course when they weren't tackling eachother during their football game Beck insisted they hold hands
Dayne and my cousin Lane
We didn't want to forget about our 2 Da(y)nes at the wedding, my mom got this cutout of Dayne and then for my Dane she got a shirtless cardboard cutout of fabio holding a chain and put Dane's face on it...I'm pretty sure Dane LOVED being depicted by fabio
I felt honored the groom had a little time for his niece during all the craziness
The wedding luncheon at the Joseph Smith memorial - I don't want to even talk about how my simple tribute to Brandon turned into a complete sob-fest...I guess you wouldn't call it a sob-fest if I was the only one crying
My big brother just got married to the girl of our dreams, jk, but I do love Irene and obviously he does too! I am so excited for them they are perfect together and I think they both totally scored. Brandon is THE BEST brother and I'm so excited to have Irene as my new sister!

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