Monday, October 12, 2009

Family Pictures

My friend Maryanne Miner who is an AMAZING photographer took our family pictures a few months ago, I'm just really late getting them posted


Landon and Julie said...

Oh my goodness! You guys are such a BEAUTIFUL FAMILY! GREAT PICS!

Anonymous said...

they are SO cute!! where did u take them at?

Lacey Tait said...

What a good lookin family! I love the pictures and I love the colors you guys used! And Beck is just the cutest little guy! Hope everything is goin good!

Stephanie said...

Cute pictures jess, I love that orange sweater on you.

Lindsay Henderson said...

Love, Love, LOVE these! My fav is you three with Dane holding Beck up and you're scrunching your nose. Classic Jess look is that scrunched nose when you laugh. Super cute. Def frame that one giant size in your fam room:) Tell Dane hey from Trav, he just did a shout out, haha:) Miss you guys!

Joanie Harbor said...


wow it has been forever. How are you doing? Hope you don't mind I found your blog! Virginia? so cool! and is Beck yours?! so much has changed since I have seen you last. Give me the update!! I just started out blog --

Lee & Kindra said...

So cute! I hope your doing well!

Nicole said...

those are scute pictures of your family! Give me a call soon!

Trevor and Shelby said...

Aren't you photogenic? Aren't we photogenic? :)

joshandemily said...

I love those pictures! Can we please hang out? Lydia was talking about "Beckster" today-he is so cute!

The Tidwell Blog said...

Hey Jessica! It's Katie Tidwell. These pictures are so dang cute! Beck is so cute. What a great smile! Well, I just wanted to say hi and give you our blog address. It's We would love to keep in touch so hopefully you get this. Hope all is well!

The Moons said...

how cute are your family pictures!!! DARLING!! Can you come back into town again soon, britton and i miss you ! I loved the post with the cute pictures! I really do love you and think you are fantastic!