Sunday, August 12, 2012

Best Day EVER

YES!!!  Your eye's are not deceiving you that cute little gal with the binky is in fact Quinn next to Mitt Romney AND Paul Ryan!!!!!!!!  Ahhhh!!!!

Mitt's second stop after announcing Paul Ryan as VP was in Ashland and we were not about to miss out on this!  Me and Paige had a baby shower to go to so we sent Dane and Kurt early with the little boys to get a spot and then we were going to meet them later but they called and told us there was no way we were going to get in because there were so many people, but after a little speeding,  A LOT of running  (at least for what this out of shape girl is used to), and a little lying WE GOT IN!!  And not only did we get in we were in the front row right by the entrance where Mitt came in!!

The kids were troopers it was a bit of a wait, tons of people crammed together, and no toys or snacks

Ann Romney right next to Beck

Dane talking to Mitt's son!  He told me all he could think to say was "Provo Utah transplant right here!" haha so smooth

I'm soooo mad I didn't get a picture of Dane talking to Paul Ryan but thats him in the corner of this picture and he DID get to talk to him!!   He said that Ryan pointed to Beck and Benson and said something about how he was glad we were bringing our boys out to events like this

He's right there!!!  Me and Paige are kicking ourselves we didn't throw our babies at Mitt to make him hold them for a picture...or hello at least ask to get a picture with him!!!  We were too busy screaming acting like 12 year olds girls meeting Justin Bieber.  I wasn't thinking clearly at all!!  I'm so mad! 

Even though we didn't get a picture of it (I'll never get over what could have been NEVER) me, Dane, Kurt, and Paige all got to shake Mitt's hand, Ann's hand, Paul Ryan's hand, and his wife Janna's hand!!  And Mitt told me and Paige that Quinn and Brylee are cute!!!

When it was over a guy over at the news stand came over with a recorder and said he wanted to ask me my thoughs on the rally since I'm a mom...unfortuantely I had the biggest brain fart ever and just said something like "I can't even focus right now because I  can't believe I actually saw Mitt Romney!"...luckily Dane took over and said something intelligent like how has a father he's worried about what kind of debt and what kind of future we're creating for our kids with a government that just wants to keep spending money and that obomacare sucks so we need Romney to restore this country.  Then he came back to me and asked if I wanted to add anything....I still had nothing

I'm pretty sure that aside from the Olsen twins and Emily Maynard there is nobody in this world that's cooler to meet than Mitt - what a day!


The Olson Family said...

Ha ha you are so cute. by the way you can come on over to my house and meet the Olson twins anytime.

Unknown said...

You guys are awesome! I love this! And I love that Mitt is right there along with the Olsen twins and Emily. You rock!!

Leslie said...

Hey Jess! I just found your blog and I'm so glad I popped in on the day you did this post cuz it's freaking HILARIOUS!! We passed Mitt on the interstate as we were headed to the beach and he was headed to Ashland. I got honked at cuz I was so busy watching his caravan move along the interstate and honking and screaming. Anyway, so glad you got to be a part of history and meet someone who might be a little cooler than Justin Bieber. Just maybe. And so funny that you couldn't think of anything to say to the news reporter. HAHAHA!

Landon and Julie said...

so jealous! (and i agree-emily maynard is the stuff!)

Mary Anne said...

How cool is this!?! WAY COOL!

Lara Vanhille said...

This is AWESOME! So awesome you guys were able to do this!!Love the shirts, love how giddy you guys it all!

Christen said...

You crack me up! I love your posts even if they really make me miss Virginia!!

Scott, Mandi and the boys said...

I love it!! That's so funny. Sure miss you guys.