Sunday, January 22, 2012

The rest of our Christmas Vacation

Hanging with Reid
Loving the extra time with dad
Loved spending time at Grandma Myrna and Grandpa Doug's
Mini Golf
Quinn was a maniac on the piano
Hanging out at the mall with Grandma Myrna. I didn't know a 10 month old could get such joy out of a 25 cent ride but Quinn would scream and scream as soon as the ride would stop.
I still haven't broke the news to Dane that it finally snowed right before we left cause he had to leave a couple weeks before us and I know it is going to break his heart that he missed it. Papa stepped up and helped Beck build a great snowman though.
My mom and Quinn watching the boys build their snowman
This picture and the one of my mom reading to Beck and Quinn are pretty much the only 2 times Quinn let my mom hold her the entire month we were there haha
The aquarium
Just like last time we stayed with my parents, everytime Beck came up missing I immediately knew where I could find him...pigging out in the pantry. He kept trying to get everyone in my family (other than me) to hide in the pantry with him and sneak him treats. He made sure to be sneaky and tell them to be quiet so that I wouldn't catch him eating treats haha
I'm not happy to say that our vacation has come to an end! You would think being in Utah a month would be a month but it wasn't haha. Big news, I survived flying home with the kids by myself - 3 flights, a 4 hour layover, and Quinn only sleeping about 45 min all day. Plus Beck threw up twice the day before we left so I was also totally stressed cause I didn't know if he was over it yet. Once again I was completely amazed at how nice everyone at the airports were to me, I don't think I pulled my suitcase once because there were so many people that offered to help. So many people went way out of their way to help me by offering to carry bags, hold kids, or just told me I was doing a good job. There are a lot of kind and thoughtful people out there!

1 comment:

Grandma Nancy said...

I love to read your blog so keeping posting