Monday, June 11, 2012

The Cave

Would it sound crazy if I told you that I left Beck in my closet for 3 hours the other day...because I did, but I promise you he was the one that wanted to stay in there for that long!
Beck has been way into "huts" lately so usually I just drape blankets over chairs or get out his tent but I was feeling lazy the other day and didn't want to get out all the blankets to make a hut so I asked him if he wanted to play in a cave and I gave him a flashlight and cloring book and put him on my top closet shelf and he LOVED it!!   I kept coming in and asking if he wanted me to get him down and everytime I got a very enthusiatic "NO!', and every single day now he asks to play in the cave...who knew entertaining a 3 year old could be so easy!?


Rachel said...

Haha! I used to let my girls play in the top of their closet in Chelsea too. It is so spacious. They loved it!

eric + ashlee said...

That's a great idea, except mine is full of stuff. I never understood how much of an anti-pack rat you really were! And now there is even more reason for me to get rid of junk.