Friday, June 22, 2012

Movie at the Park

Last weekend they did a movie at the park and showed the "Muppets".   It was really fun the weather was perfect and there wasn't a crazy amount of people there to see it so Quinn could move around a little when she got restless.

Waiting for the movie to start

I think Quinn is trying to Lady and the Tramp Tanner with a peach gummy

Quinn and her boyfriend Matt.  She would not leave him alone the whole movie, she sat on his lap the whole first half of the movie and then he layed down and she kept going over to him and laying on top of him.  Natalie said that she went to put her hand on Matt's leg and Quinn lifted up her hand and tossed it off and then Quinn started rubbing his leg.  What can I say the girl knows what she wants and really goes after it!

1 comment:

The Olsons! said...

Haha I saw this on Natalie's blog too, and I think that is so cute with Quinn!! Haha she is so funny! That movie in the park sounds like so much fun! Miss you guys!