Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Drive-In

I LOVE the drive-in!  For some reason we never even thought to check if we had a drive-in around here until last week we found out there's one 30 min away, and now that I know it's there I think I'll be one of their most loyal customers.   They were showing Madagascar 3...I'm pretty sure that it was a good show except we spent so much time trying to figure out how to turn off the light inside our car, switching back and forth from sitting inside and outside of the car with Beck,  and getting mauled by Quinn who was on a huge sugar high, that I didn't actually see much of the movie.  And yet even though I know the kids will act the exact same way if we went again... I still want to go again next weekend!

1 comment:

Rucker Family said...

Oh my! I can't believe how grown up your little kiddos are now. They are adorable! Love all the pics!