Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Beauty Is Pain

Quinn is over the slippers and has moved on to these jelly shoes
Even though it's hard to tell from the picture Quinn is no Cinderella in these shoes
They are 2 sizes too big and since they are really narrow and her feet are a bit wide it takes some effort to sqeeze her feet into them but she insists on wearing them around the house all day long
It seems that she is a firm believer that beauty is pain

based on this picture I don't think Beck lives by the same standards


Matt and Ness said...

HaHA! So far Grayce can't fit her fat feet into ANY of her shoes! Hopefully her little bricks slim out soon. This picture cracks me up!

The Rowlands said...

So cute! Livi has the same ones in pink. I think they kinda hurt her feet. But like you said " beauty is pain." a rule of life we all live by time to time.